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Anthony Davis - Unity Game Development: Learn how to design beautiful games from the team at Unity

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Anthony Davis Unity Game Development: Learn how to design beautiful games from the team at Unity

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Use Unity game development to its full potential through practical insights and thoroughly explained code

Key Features
  • Master the art of Unity game development from scratch
  • Understand the fundamentals of 3D such as coordinates, spaces, vectors, and cameras
  • Get to grips with essential Unity concepts including assets, scenes, and objects
Book Description

If you have ambitions to be a game developer this guide is for you. Covering all the fundamentals of the Unity game engine, Unity Game Development will help you understand the different elements of 3D game creation through a practical vertical slice of an adventure puzzle game.

This book follows an informal, demystifying approach to the world of game development with the Unity game engine. With no prior knowledge of game development or 3D required, you will learn from scratch, taking each concept at a time working up to a playable 3D game slice. Youll learn scripting with C# and master the Unity development environment with easy-to-follow stepwise tasks.

What you will learn
  • Learn fundamentals of designing a 3D game.
  • Work through environmental puzzles.
  • Creating an environment with Terrain and ProBuilder
  • Explore instantiation and rigid bodies through theory and code
  • Polish your game with performance tweaks
  • Gather information from test users to improve your game
  • Implement sound, lighting effects, trail rendering, and other dynamic effects
Who This Book Is For

If youre a designer or animator who wishes to take their first steps into game development, or if youve simply spent many hours playing video games, with ideas bubbling away in the back of your mind, Unity and this book should be your starting point. No prior knowledge of game production is required, inviting you to simply bring with you a passion for making great games.

Table of Contents
  1. A Primer to the Third Dimension
  2. Design and Prototype
  3. Programming
  4. Characters
  5. Environment
  6. Instantiation and Rigid Bodies
  7. Particle Systems
  8. Menu Design
  9. Adding Finishing Touches
  10. Building and Sharing
  11. Testing
  12. Multiplayer, AR, VR, ML-Agents
  13. Environment and Interactions

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Table of Contents
Unity Game Development Copyright 2021 Packt Publishing This is an Early Access - photo 1
Unity Game Development

Copyright 2021 Packt Publishing

This is an Early Access product. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the content and extracts of this book may evolve as it is being developed to ensure it is up-to-date.

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Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Early Access Publication: Unity Game Development

Early Access Production Reference: B17304

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street


B3 2PB, UK

ISBN: 978-1-80107-614-2

Unity Game Development: Learn how to design beautiful games from the team at Unity

Welcome to Packt Early Access. Were giving you an exclusive preview of this book before it goes on sale. It can take many months to write a book, but our authors have cutting-edge information to share with you today. Early Access gives you an insight into the latest developments by making chapter drafts available. The chapters may be a little rough around the edges right now, but our authors will update them over time. Youll be notified when a new version is ready.

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  1. Welcome to the Third Dimension
  2. Design and Prototype
  3. Programming
  4. Creating Player Characters
  5. Environment and Interactions
  6. Prefabs, Collection, and HUD
  7. Instantiation and Rigid Bodies
  8. Particle Systems
  9. Menu Design
  10. Adding Finishing Touches
  11. Building and Sharing
  12. Testing
  13. Multiplayer, AR, VR, and ML-Agents
A Primer to the Third Dimension

Welcome to Chapter One! Even if you have some previous knowledge of the systems in this chapter, solidifying the foundation of your knowledge will only help the advanced topics settle in more easily.

In this chapter we will cover topics such as:

  • A good look into the parts that make up 3D game development
  • Definitions of Unity terminology
  • A tour through Unitys interface
Coming around to 3D

We will be going over the basic understanding of the 3D work within this section. From coordinate systems to the makeup of how the 3D model is rendered, we will only go surface level to ensure that the foundations are firmly planted within you as you progress through this journey. By reading through this, you will be able to have a strong understanding of why Unity is displaying the items.

Coordinates Systems

3D coordinate systems are not all the same in each application! Unity is a Left-handed (Figure 1.1) world coordinate system with +Y facing upwards. Looking in the image below you can visualize the difference from left-handed and right-handed systems:

Figure 11 Coordinate SystemsWhile we work within these coordinate systems you - photo 2Figure 1.1 Coordinate Systems

While we work within these coordinate systems, you will see positions of objects represented in an array 3 values within parenthesis as follows:

(0, 100, 0)

This represents (X, Y, Z) respectively. This is a good habit to get into as programming utilizes very similar syntax when writing out positions within the scripts. When we are talking about position, it is commonly referred as its Transform.

Local Space versus World Space

After understanding the world coordinates X, Y, Z, and that the very start of those coordinates start at 0 for each, represented with a (0, 0, 0). In the image below (Figure 1.2), where the colored lines meet is that 0,0,0 in the world. The cube has its own transform, which encompasses that objects Transform, Rotation, and Scale:

Figure 12 3D Coordinate SystemThe cube in the image Figure 12 is at 1 - photo 3Figure 1.2 3D Coordinate System

The cube in the image (Figure 1.2) is at (1, 1.5, 2). This is called world space as the items Transform is being represented through the worlds coordinates starting from (0, 0, 0):

Figure 13 World Space vs Local SpaceNow that we know the Cubes transform is in - photo 4Figure 1.3 World Space vs Local Space

Now that we know the Cubes transform is in relation to the world (0, 0, 0), we will not go over the parent-child relation which describes the local space. In the image above (Figure 1.3), the sphere is a child of the cube. The spheres local position is (0, 1, 0) in relation to the cube. Interestingly, if you now move the cube, the sphere will follow as its only offset from the cube and its transforms will remain (0, 1, 0) in relation to the cube.


Traditionally, a vector is a unity that has more than one element. In a 3D setting, a vector 3 will look very similar to what weve worked with currently. (0, 0, 0) is a vector 3! Vectors are used in very many solutions to game elements and logic. Primarily the developer will normalize vectors so that way the magnitude will always equal 1. This allows developer to work with the data very easily as 0 is the start, .5 is halfway, and 1 is the end of the vector.


Cameras are incredibly useful Objects! They humbly show us their perspective which allows our players to experience what we are trying to convey to them. As you may have guessed, a camera also has a transform just like all of game objects in the hierarchy. Cameras also have several parameters that can be changed to obtain different visual effects.

Different game elements and genres use cameras in different ways. Resident Evil using static cameras to give a sense of tension not knowing whats outside the window or around the corner, while Tomb Raider pulled the camera in close while she goes through caverns to give a sense of intimacy and emotional understanding with her face looking uncomfortable in tight spaces.

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