We advise that the information cont ained in this book does not negate personal responsibilit y on the part of the reader for their own health and safety. It is reco mmended that individuall y tailored advice is sought f rom your healthcare or medical prof essional. Th e publishers and their respect ive employees, agents and authors are not liable for injuries or damage occ asioned to any person as a re sult of reading or foll owing the information cont ained in this book.
This book is dedicated to e veryone who wants to develop a deeper level of self-love through the simple act of cooking. I see cooking as a precious gift through which we honour ourselves and others, and which helps us to connect more deeply .
First of all , I want to thank you for reading this cookbook. By adopting the simple principles outlined here, you and your family are we ll and t ruly on the w ay to sustainable and long-term health. I am passionate about healthy eating and my main aim is to make it easy and achievable for as wide an array of people as possible. Wit h this book, I want to minimise the fus s and time involved in p reparing meals, whether its for shopping or cooking after all , time is something we could all use mor e of. Healthy eating doesnt need to be hard or inv olve long lists of hard-to-source ingredien ts. Thi s book is all about simplicity combining a small number of high-quality , fresh ingredient s without sacricing delicious av our. Dinner in 5 makes preparing healthy meals a breez e by stripping each recipe back to ve main ingredient s. Some feature optional (and eq ually simple) add-ons, such as a throw-together spice rub or dressing. What I have lear ned from the co untless meals I have cooke d in my lifetime is this: to make food spectacular is pr etty simple and I hav e done my best to ill ustrate that wi th these recipes. Y o u will se e there is a section at the back for spic e rubs and seasonings. Like the main recipes, each spice rub or seasoning has only a few ingredien ts. I encour age you to make these ahead of time to keep on standby, as they are the secre t to turning a good meal int o a great one. There is also a sec tion featuring delicious sauc es, dressings and sides to add to your meals, again to make them a little more special. All the sauces, rubs and seasonings are made using staples I hav e on hand in my home kitchen. I ha ve deliberately kept thes e basic to encourage you to experiment and become an expert at combin ing your own avours . Please feel free to adapt al l of t he recipes in this book as you see t. Substitute one animal pr otein for another say, replac e sh with chicken, or beef wi th lamb and so on and add or remov e a sauce or spice rub. Basic ally, the idea is to free ow and do whatever makes you happy and tastes good. Its that simple. This book is al l about simplicity combining a small number o f high- quality, fresh i ngredients without sacricing delicious avour
INTRODUCTION As with my previous books written over nearly a decade, these recipes are based on paleo and keto foundations, a nd are all dairy, grain and legume free. Not onl y do these principle s work well for ou r bodies and minds, but our planet also benets in many ways. I always steer well clear of proce ssed foods and foods that can most common ly cause inammation gr ains, legumes and dairy. Instead, I eat good-qualit y proteins and fats from well-so urced land and sea animals, adding some lo w-carb vegetables as well as fermented foods and bone broths made from organic ingredient s whenever possibl e. Ive been road- testing the low-carb, heal thy fats lifestyle fo r a number of years now and I nd the more consisten t I am with what and when I eat, the more energy I hav e to live my life. When choosing animal proteins and fats, go for or ganic, free-range, pasture-raise d or grass-fed-and-nished meat or wild game and sustainable wild-caugh t seafood. And when it comes to fruit , vegetables and herbs, choos e organic and spray free or, best of al l, home g rown wherever poss ible. I use either coconut oil or good-quali ty animal fats for cooking as they have high smoke poin ts (meaning they do not ox idise at high temperatures). Some of my favourit e animal fats are lard (pork fat), tall ow (rendered beef fat), r endered chicken fat and duck fat. Ask for them at your butcher, look online for meat suppliers who sell them or make your o wn when making bone broths. Apart from that, preparing the perfect meal reall y is as straightf orward as putting well -sourced meat, seafood or eggs on your plate, along with some healthy fat, and adding some cooked vegetables or a salad on the side. T o provide probiotic gut health goodness, I also love to include condime nts such as fermented vegetables think sauerkraut or kimchi on the table at every meal. I hope these recipes becom e favourit es for you and your loved ones and that you get a lot of pleasure from sharing them. It is always a joy for me to bring together a great bunch of r ecipes that, from the rst bit e to the last, inspire and bring smiles to peoples faces. It is my hope that Dinner in 5 will bec ome the new go-to cookbook for health-minded families eve rywhere. It is all about paring things back to the bare essen tials: just a handful of simple, commonl y used ingredient s can create a delicious and memorable meal. What could be better? Keep c ooking with lo ve and laughter,
Pete xo
It is always a joy for me to bring together a great bunch of recipes that, from the rst bite to the last, inspire and bring smiles to peoples faces.