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ISBN 978-92-9261-434-8 (print), 978-92-9261-435-5 (electronic)
Publication Stock No. TIM189716-2
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Cover photo: Women at work. A road marker underscores womens labor participation as Tita Limbudan Sam (right), a volunteer of Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services-National Community-Driven Development Program, leads fellow volunteers in the concreting of a 240-linear meter barangay road in Centro Barangay Little Baguio, Malita, Davao Occidental, Philippines.
The program created more opportunities for womens participation in livelihood and community development. As of 30 August 2018, 464,329 of 787,149 total laborers in community subprojects are women who received 610 million in wages (photo by Julie Ace B. Ramos, Department of Social Welfare and Development).
This study was prepared under the Asian Development Banks Technical Assistance on Enhancing Capacities for the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa KahirapanComprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services National Community-Driven Development Project (KCNCDDP), financed by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction. Rikard Elfving, senior social sector specialist, Human and Social Development Division (SEHS), Southeast Asia Department; Karin Schelzig, principal social sector specialist (now at East Asia Department); and Yukiko Ito, senior social development specialist, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, provided guidance on the conduct of the study in close coordination with Joven Valenzuela, program evaluation specialist at the KC-NCDDP National Program Management Office (NPMO) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development.
Lourdes Cresencio-Turiano, gender and development consultant, with Melanie Sison, co-researcher, conducted the study and prepared this report. The NPMO Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Unit headed by Abigail dela Cruz supported the conduct of study by providing data from its project information management system and coordinating research activities at the national level, which were facilitated by Celia Fatima De Jesus, M&E officer. The assessment incorporated the insights and inputs from NPMO staff, local government units, and area coordinating teams in the municipalities of Juban and Casiguran in Sorsogon during focus group discussions and interviews. Special thanks are extended to the community volunteers in the two municipalities, particularly the five women who willingly shared their stories: Mariflor Anorne, Ruthzinae Dig, Maria Theresa Ferreras, Irma Gumal, and Eva Hamocin. The Regional Program Management Office in the Bicol Region organized and coordinated the fieldwork in the two municipalities.