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Linda Williamson - Finding The Spirit Within: A medium shows the way

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Linda Williamson Finding The Spirit Within: A medium shows the way
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Finding The Spirit Within: A medium shows the way: summary, description and annotation

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Linda Williamson, acclaimed medium and author of the bestselling Contacting the Spirit World, recounts her own experiences of living and working as a medium.
Finding the Spirit Within offers a fascinating new approach to mediumship. Linda Williamson shows how to develop our spirituality with the help of spirit guides and teachers - and so find inner wisdom. She gives insights into what it is really like to be a medium and explains how spirit teachers can help us attune to our own inner world. Topics covered are how to obtain spirit guidance, how to become more spiritually aware, the development of healing and how to discover ones purpose in life. Throughout, there are practical exercises to assist the reader in unfolding their spiritual potential.
Everyone who is interested in developing their spiritual potential will find this book both fascinating and extremely helpful.

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Epub ISBN: 9781409044833
Version 1.0
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Copyright Linda Williamson 2001
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
First published in 2001 by Rider,
an imprint of Ebury Press, Random House,
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The Random House Group Limited Reg. No. 954009
A CIP catalogue record for this book
is available from the British Library
ISBN 0-7126-0487-1
Linda Williamson has worked as a medium for over twenty-five years. She gives private consultations, lectures and workshops, as well as taking services in Spiritualist churches. She has written four previous books, which include the bestselling Contacting the Spirit World, and has been interviewed many times by the media.
Mediums and Their Work
Mediums and the Afterlife
Contacting the Spirit World
Children and the Spirit World
To all my friends, seen and unseen, and to all those who have helped me in the compilation of this book
Love and light
T he largest Spiritualist organisation in Britain is the Spiritualists National Union. This has its headquarters at Stansted in Essex, in the beautiful Jacobean-style manor house bequeathed to it in the 1960s by the writer Arthur Findlay. Stansted Hall is one of the first places you should go to if you are interested in mediumship. It offers a variety of courses in mediumship and healing given by some of the countrys leading exponents.
In London there are a number of different and completely independent bodies. The largest of these, the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, based in Belgrave Square, offers lectures, workshops, healing and demonstrations of clairvoyance. Similar facilities are provided by the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association, situated near the Post Office Tower. The College of Psychic Studies in Kensington, though not a Spiritualism organisation, provides sittings with mediums, healing and workshops and lectures on a wide range of subjects. In addition, the Institute of Spiritualist Mediums, to which I belong, which is based mainly in London and Essex, exists to promote a high standard of mediumship and to train mediums through lectures, workshops and residential courses.
The principal organisation for healers is the National Federation of Spiritual Healers. This is completely non-denominational; the word spiritual in the title refers to that quality of spirituality implicit in the healing process. The training course provided by the NFSH is quite long and demanding, but at the end of it you will be well qualified and thoroughly versed in your subject. There are other organisations, such as the Spiritualists National Union, which also offer good qualifications.
Further Reading
Alberdi, Lita de, Channelling, Piatkus, 1998
Angelo, Jack, Your Healing Power, Piatkus, 1998
Aron, Elaine N., The Highly Sensitive Person, Thorsons, 1999
Brennen, Barbara Ann, Hands of Light, Bantam Books, 1988
Cockell, Jenny, Yesterdays Children, Piatkus, 1993
Edward, John, One Last Time, Piatkus, 1998
Fenwick, Peter and Elizabeth, Past Lives, Headline, 1999
Fontana, David, Meditation: an introductory guide, Element, 1999
Hall, Judy, Deja Who?, Findhorn Press, 1998
Herzberg, Eileen Inge, Spiritual Healing: a patients guide, The C.W. Daniel Co. Ltd, 1988
Macbeth, Jessica, Moon Over Water, Gateway Books, 1990
Neate, Tony, Channelling for Everyone, Piatkus, 1997
Northage, Ivy, Light of the World, Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, 1999
OBrien, Stephen, Visions of Another World, Voices Books, revised edition 2000
Ozaniec, Naomi, The Elements of the Chakras, Element Books, 1990
Swarte, Lyn de, Principles of Spiritualism, Thorsons, 1999
Stevenson, Ian, Children Who Remember Previous Lives, University Press of Virginia, 1987
Weiss, Brian, Many Lives, Many Masters, Piatkus, 1994
White Eagle, Walking With the Angels, White Eagle Publishing Trust, 1998
White, Ruth, Working With Your Chakras, Piatkus, 1993
Williamson, Linda, Contacting the Spirit World, Piatkus, 1996
Williamson, Linda, Children and the Spirit World, Piatkus, 1997
Useful Addresses
International Council of Spiritualists PO Box 123, Wandin Victoria 3139
New Zealand
Christian Spiritualist Church of the Golden Light 25 New North Road Auckland
Spiritualist Alliance (Auckland) Inc. PO Box 9477
120 Carlton Gore Road
Newmarket, Auckland 1
South Africa
Center of Spiritual Studies
PO Box 12234
Moffat Place
Port Elizabeth 6002
College of Healing
Runnings Park
Croft Bank
West Malvern
Worcs. WR14 4DU
College of Psychic Studies
16 Queensberry Place
London SW7 2EB
Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association
35 Conway Street
London W1P 5HA
Institute of Spiritualist Mediums
121 Churchend Road
Runwell, Wickford
Essex SS11 7DN
International Flower Essence Repertoire
The Living Tree
Milland, Liphook
Hampshire GU30 7JS
International Spiritualist Federation
11a Linkside, Woodside Park
London N12 7LE
National Federation of Spiritual Healers
Old Manor Farm Studio
Church Street
Middlesex TW16 6RG
Helpline: 0891 616080
Psychic News
Clock Cottage
Stansted Hall, Stansted
Essex CM24 8UD
Psychic World
22 Kingsley Avenue
Middlesex UB1 2NA
School of Channelling
Runnings Park, Croft Bank
West Malvern
Worcs. WR14 4DU
Spiritualist Association of Great Britain
33 Belgrave Square
London SW1X 8QB
Spiritualists National Union
Stansted Hall, Stansted
Essex CM24 8UD
White Eagle Lodge
New Lands, Brewells Lane
Liss, Hampshire GU33 7HY
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