




Of th tw mjr mmnl reported cases f ml xul dfuntn, rtl dfuntn accounts fr but 10% whl premature jultn is rrtd to unt fr m 80 rnt. Sm ttt ndt that n n three mn uffr frm rmtur jultn ndtng a prevalence rt f btwn 27 rnt and 34 percent n men of ll ages.
Ardng t The Amrn Psychiatric Atn, premature ejaculation dfnd as the "rtnt r recurrent ejaculation wth minimum xul tmultn before, n r hrtl ftr ntrtn nd bfr th person wishes it..." Simply ttd, PE is a ndtn where a mn fruntl ejaculates rlr thn he or h rtnr wh to either bfr, n r shortly ftr ultng with his rtnr. Premature jultn also knwn rapid jultn.
Prmtur jultn u mrkd distress r ntrrnl dffult fr a man and h rtnr as t llw neither partner t enjoy th xul act in a rr mnnr. Th mn feels dtftn bu f the inability t hld ut the lurbl ntn f sexual ntt fr a lngr rd f tm whl h partner is ull dtfd for nt bng able to rh hr xul k.
It also mmn for mn tht r experiencing PE to utn thr mulnt and l nfdn n their sexual rfrmn. Th may fl mundrtd to the xtnt f frutrtn nd humltn th rgulrl experience while a partner m uffr n ln fr fear f upsetting their man furthr or bm frustrated t their rtnr' mng unwillingness t fix th problem.
However, mn mn occasionally xrn rmtur jultn durng sexual intercourse, but lng t does nt hn frequently, thr n u fr the mn to worry. Th tm rd tht ulf fr PE h hwvr bm a highly debatable t owing t th fact tht men ejaculate t dffrnt tm durng dffrnt xul encounters. Scientists nd rrhr now dfn rmtur jultn a condition in whh th man hv rgm in but 120 nd r 2 mnut ftr vgnl ntrtn. Others specify th numbr f nl thrusts, considering less than 8 t 15 thrut rr t jultn t b rmtur. With that d, f this huld occur n a more rgulr b, thn he may b suffering frm PE.
Th u f rmtur ejaculation r still unknown. Thr wr rlr beliefs tht PE was a result of hlgl u rthr thn biological causes. Hwvr thr r new ndtn that th u f PE r more complicated, nd nvlv a complex interaction of both hlgl nd blgl ftr.
Thr r bll tw t of PE whh r the primary nd ndr types. Prmr rmtur jultn is a ndtn whr th mn h been suffering frm premature ejaculation thrughut h ntr sexual life. On th other hnd, ndr premature ejaculation whr th mn dvl rmtur ejaculation ltr in lf du to n or vrl bl u. The mjrt of mn suffering frm premature jultn fll nt the ndr tgr.
Ejultn a rflx action tht triggered when a rtn lvl f tmultn ttnd. Thrfr th blt t ntrl this rflx action dnd mtl n th capability f th mn t rgn nd rgult the munt f tmultn h rvng so tht h d not rh the point of trggrng off h jultr reflexes bfr h wnt to.
Prmtur jultn can have bth hlgl nd biological causes as hrundr ltd.
Sm of the hlgl causes f rmtur ejaculation nlud the fllwng:
Erl Sxul Exrn
Thugh PE a rblm tht ur in mn of ll g, ungr men r more rn t uffrng frm th drdr. A rn for th mght b a rult f tblhd ttrn of vnt that occurred n their rlr sexual xrn. A lot f frt xrn of xul intercourse ftn involve excitement mxd nxt nd a dmnd t rfrm quickly to vd bng ught.
In uh first xrn, rfrmn - th dr t "gt t rght", ftn th fu rthr thn th pleasurable nd rt t of th xrn. A a rult, a good rntg f young men rh orgasm t ukl. This mght be considered a rblm by uh young mn, nd next tm there mght be fr of a repeat which nr th hn f a rmtur ejaculation happening nd thus a ttrn formed. Th might continue wll into adulthood f not trtmnt undertaken.
Anxt nd Str
Anxiety related to a mn' xul rfrmn or caused by thr u n l b a u for rmtur ejaculation. Whn x lnkd with performance rather thn with pleasure, dvlng jultr ntrl might become a dffult proposition. It thrfr bttr for a mn t focus n wht wll brng lur t hm and his rtnr.
Erectile Dysfunction Fr
Men uffrng frm rtl dysfunction could also dvl rmtur ejaculation th may be nxu f btnng and mntnng n rtn durng xul intercourse nd thus ruhng to jult ukl. Once a pattern f ruhng t ejaculate formed, t m bm dffult hngng t.
The biological factors that may ntrbut to rmtur ejaculation nlud the fllwng: -
- Abnormal hormone levels
- Inuffnt concentration f th nurtrnmttr rtnn
- Abnormal rflx tvt f th jultr tm
- Crtn thrd rblm
- Inflmmtn and nftn of th rtt or urthr
- Inhrtd trt
Dt th ft tht premature jultn xt a lnl dgn, t cannot b lfd as a d or n lln.
Irrtvl f whthr the u hlgl or blgl, treatments fr rmtur jultn nlud bhvurl thr, hlgl unllng, nd mdtn. Thr uld also b a mbntn of any of these methods f trtmnt.
Bhvurl thr helps about 60% to 90% f men wth premature ejaculation. In gnrl, rt nd relaxation wll hl n dealing wth th problem. However t should be ntd tht rmtur ejaculation ftn returns nd ddtnl bhvurl thr m be ndd.
Below r some examples f bhvurl thr mthd tht n b ud for th treatment of rmtur jultn.
Th "Suz" Technique
Th method w dvld b Mtr nd Jhnn m decades ago. If a mn senses tht he but to jult, h ml wthdrw from his rtnr, then him or h partner squeezes th shaft of h n between a thumb nd tw fingers. Th uz should b light nd fr about 20 nd, then lt g nd rum sexual tvt. Th thnu rtd as often as necessary durng ntrur. With rt, a mn n gain good ntrl over jultn wthut th squeeze.
Th "St and Strt" Method
Th nd mthd whh w dvld by Dr. Hln Kaplan hl mn wth rmtur ejaculation to recognize when th r about to lmx and thn t lw dwn r reduce tmultn in rdr t extend the tm untl jultn. B starting nd tng sexual tmultn u can lrn t rlng th x t.
Abtnng frm Intrur
Couples may be ntrutd to avoid sexual rltn fr a period f tm to hl reduce anxiety. Th is beneficial as whl avoiding ntrur they n nd time t fu on thr t f sexual plays tht eliminate pressure from the xul encounters. Th can hl the man t nnt and r-tblh a satisfying hl bnd with h rtnr.
More Frl
B engaging n more foreplay, ul can help each other achieve a tt f hgh rul by tmultng each other thrugh kng, uddlng, hugging, ttng, stimulating th brt, genitals, and other rgnu zn before ultng. Th w, jultn nd rgm n b hvd almost t the same tm b th couples.
In m , bhvurl therapy m nvlv ml steps such mturbtng n hur r tw bfr intercourse t help n th dl of ejaculation r tmultn of th partner t a tt f rul before copulating. Al since an ejaculation h lrd occurred, th man wll nw tk a longer tm t jult when hvng x wth his partner.
Routine Kgl Exr
Rrhr have ntd that m mn who uffr frm rmtur jultn have a ftr nurlgl rn in th lv muscles. Men wth rmtur jultn caused b neurological factors n undertake rtn exercises lk Kgl t hl thm gn voluntary ntrl over th PC mul nd thu gv thm more control vr ejaculation. Th ddd bnft f th that it n l give mn trngr rtn and can therefore help to alleviate rtl dfuntn.
This n help tnt nd thr rtnr resolve conflicts nd rnl issues that mght nlud nxt, tr nd rntmnt that n be ntrbutng to rmtur jultn. In mt th is more fftv whn couples attend n together.
Currnt rh t psychotherapy nbl men mngt other thng t learn thnu t ntrl nd/r delay jultn, increase nfdn n xul rfrmn, rdu performance anxiety, modify rgd xul patterns, vrm ntm u, rlv feelings nd thoughts that ntrfr with xul funtn nd to nr mmuntn btwn him nd his rtnr.
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