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Mens Relational Toolbox
Copyright 2003 by Smalley Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
Cover and interior photographs of the toolbox by Photodisc/Getty Images. All rights reserved.
Cover background photograph 2003 by Dan Stultz. All rights reserved.
Gary Smalley photograph 1999 by Jim Lersh. All rights reserved.
Greg Smalley and Michael Smalley photographs 2001 by Jim Lersh. All rights reserved.
Published in association with the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920.
Designed by Ron Kaufmann
Edited by Lynn Vanderzalm and Tracy Sumner
The names and some of the details in the illustrations used in this book have been changed to protect the privacy of the people who shared their stories with us.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version. NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Smalley, Gary.
Mens relational toolbox / Gary, Greg, and Michael Smalley.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-0-8423-7445-3 (hc)
ISBN 978-0-8423-8320-2 (sc)
1. Christian men Religious life. 2. Man-woman relationships Religious aspects Christianity.
3. Interpersonal relations Religious aspects Christianity. I. Smalley, Greg. II. Smalley, Michael. III. Title.
BV4528.2 .S52 2003 158.2081 dc21 2002152234
Build: 2015-04-21 13:41:07
We dedicate this book to several men who have touched our lives:
to Jack Herschend, a great example of a loving husband;
to Dr. Gary Oliver, a mentor and friend;
to Brandon White and Jason Brawner, loyal friends.
W eve enjoyed working on this book the first of many we hope to do together. As always, we could not have written this book without the help of some important people:
We thank Karen Kingsbury an exceptionally gifted fiction writer for her collaboration with us on this project. Karen, you captured our voices and made the book sing.
We thank our agent, Greg Johnson, for helping us brainstorm about the book and for encouraging us during the process.
Once again we thank our friends at Tyndale House Publishers for their partnership with us. Ken Petersen, thanks for inspiring and nurturing us during the writing of this book. Thanks to Lynn Vanderzalm, who is the best and most loving editor we know. Thanks also to Tracy Sumner for his editorial help.
Most important, we thank our wives, who daily stand with us and encourage us in the ministry God has entrusted to us. Norma, Erin, and Amy, thanks for your patience, your boundless love, and your devotion to us. God has used you to shape our lives.
The Smalley guys
Something Were Good At
I f youve been paying attention to my messages on love and relationships these past thirty years, you know one thing for sure I dont have it all together. In fact, Ive made my living reporting not just my failures as a husband and father but also the ways God helped me use those failures to restore the relationships between my family and me.
So why do you want to hear from a rusty old nail like me?
Because it warms your heart to know that if I can blunder my way through love and survive, so can you. The process has been riddled with laughter and tears, but the reward has always been gaining understanding about relationships.
Like any dad, Ive tried to pass on what I know to my adult sons Greg and Michael. And like any dad, Ive done more than pass on the good stuff. Thats right: God has a sense of humor, and Greg and Michael are just like me two more rusty nails in the Smalley toolbox. Heres the proof:
- Not long after Greg and Erin got married, they were one argument away from splitting up.
- Michael wasnt speaking to his new bride eighteen hours after the wedding ceremony. He and Amy spent their first six months together camped on the rocks of discontent.
But theres good news too. Even though we are a trio of rusty nails, were willing to do whatever we can to get our relationships right. And thats what this book is about helping you develop your own relational toolbox that will help you make all your relationships exciting and successful.
My sons and I may be rusty nails, but when we realize we need to add the right relational tools, were willing to do whatever we can to get the ones we need.
So you see, the beat goes on. And the message I bring you about building your relationships is now made three times stronger by the efforts of my sons. Yes, we still bumble our way through conversations with our wives every now and then. But weve learned something about relational tools, and its this: With the right tools, we can build stronger, better relationships than we had before.
Thats what we want to share with you in the pages of this book.
The information here will not answer all of your questions or solve all of your problems, but it will equip you with the tools to truly love and understand the people who are most important to you.
Now let us tell you a little bit about how this book came to be.
It happened one weekend when we three Smalley guys were together. Instead of swapping boasts about who had the better jump shot or the sweeter swing on the golf course, we were brainstorming.
We had been asked to write a relationship book for guys. Our conversation went something like this:
I dont know if I can do it, Greg said as he stretched out his legs. Im tired of men-bashing books.
Yeah, Im tired of being portrayed as the 1940s inept relational guy. Things have changed. Men arent bumbling idiots when it comes to relationships. Were just different from women, Michael said. Cant we write a book about guys and relationships without coming off like a bunch of well-meaning, bumbling idiots?
Cant we write a book about our good points? Greg suggested. The reasons we excel as providers, protectors that kind of thing?
We started to catch Gregs passion. You mean, take a look at our strengths, at why were good at certain things? I asked.
Greg was on his feet. Exactly! he said. Why are we good at providing, for instance?