The Dakini and Daka are female and male teachers of Tantra. As a Dakini I educate people how to practice powerful sexual techniques that will improve and enhance their sex lives. In addition, I teach a whole spectrum of spiritual awareness skills in communication, touch, healing, love, giving and receiving pleasure. These awareness skills open a whole new world of lovemaking and relationships that builds trust and understanding. Unfortunately, the so-called, war between the sexes has created an enormous lack of understanding of each others differences and needs. Through Tantric practice, the natural heart connection and pleasure flow between the masculine and feminine is re-established, creating a foundation for mutual appreciation of each others beauty and magnificence. Through Tantric knowledge, both sexes experience empowerment, trust and co-hesiveness. As the trust is built, so is the pleasure energies. With Tantric sexual practice, we can learn to move the pleasure energies fully and freely through our bodies. Men and women begin to see the perfection of their differences and the natural dance of pleasure and love that blending those differences creates. The old separation patterns, of the war between the sexes begins to drop away and we are finally free to explore all the love and pleasure a man and woman can create together.
As a Dakini, my commitment to expanding Tantra in the world is deep and strong. I view Sacred Sexuality in all of its forms, as the most powerful source of information available today for the creation of harmonious and lasting relationships and marriages.
What You Will Learn
Tantric practices assist the woman and her lover in achieving profound sexual pleasure and the healing of sexual wounds. The Practices I cover in this manual are:
* The pleasuring of the clitoris.
* The pleasuring of the Vagina or Yoni .
* The G-spot or (as we call it in Tantra) Sacred Spot Massage .
In Sacred Spot Massage, you will learn about the female ejaculation or Amrita , the Nectar of the Goddess, as it is called in the Tantric tradition.
Since Tantra originated in ancient East Indian culture, the wording and the cultural view of the practices are very different from our Western perspective. I have outlined and described the Practices utilizing contemporary language, in such a way that mastery can be achieved without difficulty.
In this manual I have addressed the spiritual aspects of Tantra. This spiritual Tantric knowledge is the foundation, which creates lasting, powerful and harmonious connection between the sexes. This magnificent oneness and connection is our sensual and sexual birthright.
The Truth About Feminine Sexual Power
Our Western culture has tremendously limiting beliefs around the topic of human sexuality. The Judeo/Christian belief structure of original sin has created deep shame around our sexuality. This shaming has resulted in a tremendous split between men and woman and our own inner masculine and feminine selves, leaving in our consciousness a deep wound of fear and guilt. Until the recent past, true awareness of female sexuality was completely misunderstood. The woman was considered to be almost a non-sexual being. The man was seen as far more sexually powerful than the woman. The belief was that the woman was created only for his pleasure and to bear his children. This lie was even believed and perpetuated by the women themselves and constantly conditioned into them day in and day out by the church and the state. This is a direct result of the damage done by the Inquisition of the Catholic Church, which took place during the Dark Ages. The leaders of the Inquisition stated without hesitation, that a woman and her powerful ability to seduce a man sexually was evil, and came from the Devil himself. The Patriarchy of the Church feared womans innate spiritual knowledge and healing powers. In their war against the feminine, it became extremely useful to call a woman a Witch. Then she could be controlled and dominated, no longer a threat to the Church. The two hundred years of torture, mutilation and excruciating death by fire was extremely successful in squashing the feminine healing arts and feminine knowledge, including powerful feminine sexuality. This reign of terror for centuries, has all but buried female spiritual knowledge and womans natural birthright as a powerful sexual being. The distortions and violence we see today are a direct result of this deep cultural wounding. This wounding has resulted in continuing to perpetuate this lie in our society. This has manifested in our contemporary culture and evidenced by outdated laws and double standards that still exist. Out of fear and survival, the once powerful female sexuality and knowledge of healing, love and balance became hidden. What was once celebrated naturally between the masculine and feminine was shamed and manipulated. This is unfortunately one of the main reasons we have such a high percentage of women today that dont, or are unable to embrace their sexuality. Many women do not orgasm at all, and the women who do orgasm typically only achieve clitoral, rather than full vaginal orgasms. There is even less awareness of womans ability to ejaculate and experience amazing levels of ecstasy and healing through Sacred Spot (G-Spot Massage) pleasuring. This and many other suppressive beliefs, is the unfortunate and inevitable result of these destructive historical events.
Women are not the only victims of these atrocities; men have been victimized as well. It may seem that men are not as damaged as women have been. The truth is that men also suffer. They have been denied the experience of women in their power. They have been denied the experience of the highest level of love and ecstasy they innately know exists between the masculine and feminine. They have learned to shut down their hearts and some have become abusive through generations of training as warriors and dominators of the feminine. Without the true dance of love and tenderness that is the real relationship between men and women, no one wins. We are all trapped. I am not speaking of historical events that you dont already know a great deal about. But to be able to achieve our natural birthright of total ecstasy between men and woman, we must understand how we got to where we are in the present day. This creates the needed empathy and awareness, which teaches us how to end the separation between men and woman, and free our hearts and our sexuality. For both men and woman to be freed sexually, the feminine must be returned to her true place as the Goddess in all her aspects, including reclaiming her full sexual expression and pleasure. Men fully embracing their hearts will return them to their cohesive, integrated masculine selves.
Women have an amazing capacity for pleasure and an immense ability to have orgasms beyond what most people have ever experienced or known. In Tantra the masculine and feminine are seen as equal partners in this wondrous and delicious exploration of high sexual pleasure.
The word, Tantra in Sanskrit means, to weave . We learn in Tantric Practice, how to weave these luscious masculine and feminine energies into a tapestry of sheer joy and delight. Therefore, it is crucial that as women, we learn to embrace our natural sexual pleasure completely and reclaim our feminine sexual birthright.
Claiming Our Sexual Birthright
Learning to love ourselves completely as the Goddess, means embracing all that makes us female. Being completely free to express all aspects of our sexuality is our Divine Birthright. To fully embrace our powerful womanhood, we need to clearly see what has blocked us and kept us trapped. Women have been taught to disconnect from their powerful sexual selves for many generations. To reinstate the Goddess to her true, whole and total power sexually in the world, we must examine where and how the Goddess was splintered apart from herself.