Female Masturbation:
Simple Pleasures to Mind-BlowingOrgasms
By Maree Stachel-Williamson
Copyright (c) 2013 MareeStachel-Williamson
All Rights Reserved
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1. Twelve reasons why you should masturbateand experience orgasms: Physical and emotional benefits
2. Understanding your body's sexual arousalprocess From the first stage of desire to post orgasm
3. Side note: Don't get caught up in the goal... enjoy the journey!
4. What is an orgasm? How to recognize one inyourself and reasons why you might not have had one yet
5. Myth busters Common beliefs andmisconceptions of masturbation and orgasms
6. Trigger points and forms of orgasms Gee,who knew there were so many!
1. Shower
2. Jacuzzi
3. Using your fingers Clitoris, u-spot,labia and perineum
4. Vibrator on vulval area
5. Pressing, rubbing and awareness
6. Sensual touching of other areas Nipplestimulation and your erogenous zones
7. Mental masturbation
1. Fingers
2. Vibrator
3. Dildo
4. Anal stimulation Butt plugs, fingers,beads
5. Fruit and vegetables
6. Jade eggs, Ben Wa balls and Kegelballs
1. How to incorporate masturbation intomoments of sexual intimacy and masturbate with a partner duringsex
1. Strengthening you PC muscles for increasedpleasure
2. Practicing pleasure Mindfulness
Congratulations on the purchase of this book it shows you care enough about your sexual pleasure to takeaction and decide to learn more about how you can take ownership ofyour sexuality. Not only is masturbation a way to discover andexperience sexual pleasure, it's also extremely good for you backin 1967 sex author R.E.L. Masters is said to have declaredmasturbation to be so good for us that if it didn't exist we wouldhave to 'invent it'!
If you've been curious enough to wonder howhigh the rate of masturbation is among females, you're likely tohave come across a varying range of statistics. Some studies showthat 82% of females masturbate. Other studies, which have focusedon the ages between 18 and 30 years, reveal the figures to behigher at 92%. From that, you would be right to assume thatnearly every female you know masturbates in some form or another.However, other studies show much lower figures. The lowest I havecome across was one specific to the United States, according towhich apparently only 65% of females practice the art ofself-pleasuring.
What to take of this? At least half, if notthe majority of women of all ages masturbate. I think we're nevergoing to get precise figures because in general, statistics on sexare often a tricky thing to gather honest data on. Some people arejust too plain shy or embarrassed to admit what they get up to alone and with a partner.
Why do women masturbate? The numberone reason for females to masturbate is relief of sexual tension.Another common reason is that masturbation is something that womendo while having sex with a partner to increase pleasure. Yetanother reason behind masturbation is that it's a way to learn howto reach orgasm.
In this book, I'm going to do my best toconvince you that you should be masturbating if you aren't already.You'll read what happens in your body as you masturbate, becomeincreasingly aroused and what happens during an orgasm. I'll coverthe topic of orgasms the many types of orgasm, the benefits fromhaving an orgasm, and possible reasons why you might not have beenable to have one yet.
In this book, I take the stance thatmasturbation has a lot to do with learning to give and allowyourself pleasure. And that's why I'm going to outline numerousways that you can masturbate so that you can explore and discoverwhat is the most pleasurable for you.
If you are a complete newbie to theexperience, this book will help you get some understanding of whereor how you could start and what all the fuss is about. If you havebeen masturbating for years, my aim is to help you learn some newtricks (because even seasoned pleasurers can get into a rut or ahabit). Often people get into a routine with the way that theypleasure themselves or bring themselves to climax. I hope that withthe help of this book, you'll encounter some new ways to satisfyyourself.
This book is by no means a full explorationof all the techniques possible, but I cover techniques that focuson external stimulation as well as some that include penetration.You'll discover ways that you can pleasure yourself using just yourhands, various options that incorporate sex 'toys' like a vibrator,and numerous other methods.
Why I wrote this book. As a teenager Ihad vaginismus. It's a condition in which the vaginal musclesclench together making sex very painful and sometimes impossible(as was the case for me). I was extremely fortunate that it onlyaffected one relationship, but the experience gave me anappreciation of other forms of sexual satisfaction beyondpenetration.
In addition to my early experience of painfulsex, I've encountered some interesting thoughts and beliefs aboutsexuality and what is supposedly okay or not according to myvarious boyfriends over the years. This has lead me to read andresearch quite extensively into the topic so I could discover andclaim my sexuality as part of my individuality.
When I had vaginismus, my boyfriend and Ibecame quite focused on just trying to have sexual intercourse andI didn't really care about whether I had an orgasm or not. Althoughhe wanted to 'give me' an orgasm, it really wasn't that importantto me because I enjoyed being touched by him and could getextremely aroused through feeling his hands on my body and mine onhis. It was just the intercourse that was missing for me.
(If you're interested youcan read more about my personal story in my ebook Stop PainfulSex: Healing Vaginismus. A Step-by-Step Guide.)
In subsequent relationships, sexualintercourse became physically possible and the orgasm topic came upagain. Often there were times when whoever I was dating at the timewould try to give me an orgasm. Although the attention was great,their constant attempts distracted me from simply enjoying theintimacy. Over time, I became indifferent to orgasms and claimed Ididn't care. The reality was that I just found their obsessionstressful. However, after a number of years, I realized that I hadbecome secretly curious and so decided to take it into my ownhands. To avoid creating any feelings of stress, I simply decidedto play and explore rather than focusing on trying to orgasm.
It was through my experiences ofself-pleasuring that I discovered I was able to finally explore mysexuality in peace without any pressure from someone else. First Iwas able to discover the type of touch I liked. I explored with sextoys and experienced my first orgasm and multiple orgasms.Eventually I was able to build the courage to give myself an orgasmwhile with a partner and go on to learn how to climax during sexualintercourse. It has been through self-pleasuring that I have beenable to explore many avenues of my sexuality in my own way andtime. Taking charge the way I did has improved my sex life and mademe feel empowered.
My personal journey and the stories I hearfrom other women have led me to the understanding that masturbationand self-pleasuring is an extremely important element to a woman'sexpression of herself. It is a demonstration of independence,self-reliance and pure pleasure. It is an act of claiming yoursensuality and sexuality and in my mind is the right of every woman(whether in a relationship or not) to experience and enjoy sexualpleasure.