How To Catch AMan
And Keep Him ForGood
Darren G. Burton
Published by Darren G. Burton atSmashwords
Copyright 2010 Darren G. Burton
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Cover Design: Darren G. Burton
Information was gathered for this bookthrough conducting numerous surveys and interviews; with men beingthe particular focus. Women have certainly offered their viewpointsas well. Added to this is common knowledge learnt over time and theauthors own personal experiences.
No material in this book is meant to beoffensive in any way. The advice and information on offer caneither be taken on board to produce positive results in your life,or ignored if you so choose.
Every effort has been made by the author towrite this book in an unbiased and objective manner. However, itshould be noted that it is virtually impossible to communicate anyinformation and points of view without any bias presentwhatsoever.
The information in this book is somewhatgeneral in nature, and the author acknowledges the fact thatindividuals and personal circumstances vary.
Whilst this books content is primarilyaimed at women, men can certainly benefit from it as well.
How to attract a man?
This question has no doubt been asked bywomen the world over for centuries.
The truth is, there is no single one way or right way for a woman to attract a man. Although men and womenhave inherent traits that generally apply to each gender, at theend of the day we are all individuals. What works for one woman maynot work for another. Likewise, what appeals to one man wontnecessarily appeal to a different guy.
Its all about knowing yourself and what youtruly and honestly want and need in a partner and for yourself.
This book touches on points that willdefinitely appeal to the vast majority of the male population, aswell as help the reader get to know themselves better and definewhat they really want for themselves, in a man and ultimately in arelationship.
Using this book as a general guide willgreatly increase your chances of not only attracting a man intoyour life, but help you to attract the right man for you andkeep that man.
This section of the book has been dealt withfirst. Why? Because without truly knowing yourself and what youwant, how can you successfully go about attracting a man into yourlife? The right man.
About You is designed to get youthinking about yourself, knowing yourself better, and to learn moreabout what you want for yourself and in a partner.
Know Yourself And What You Want
Often we go about our lives - in one facetor another - without really, truly knowing our hearts desires.Whats best for us. What we actually want and need. And what willultimately make us happy. Lifes experiences tends to teach us moreabout ourselves over time, but if we take the time to analyze andlook a little deeper into ourselves, we can usually figure a lot ofit out sooner rather than later.
Many of us are guilty of bouncing from onerelationship to the next, simply because we dont know ourselvesproperly and end up being involved with the wrong partner. At firstwe wouldnt have really known they were wrong for us (or us forthem) until we got to know our partner better. Things start to feelout of sync. It isnt really working out and we start to askourselves: Why? Often we wont really know why its notworking. We just know it isnt. This is because we dont reallyknow ourselves and what we are truly looking for.
Take time out to learn about yourself first;figure out who you are, where you want to be and exactly what it isyou want.
Try writing out two lists.
The first list should be about yourself.What are your plans? What type of person are you? What are yourstrengths and weaknesses? These are the type of questions youshould ask yourself.
The second list should be a general list ofwhat you would like to find in a man. What kind of person would hebe? What type of job would he have? What are his goals andambitions in life and love?
Although no list of attributes for apotential partner should be adhered to rigorously, it does give yousome sort of a guide as to what to look for, as well as imparting abetter understanding for yourself of what you want, like andneed.
Your Likes And Dislikes
What we like and dislike can change overtime. As we grow older and our tastes mature, we often find we likethings we didnt like when we were younger, and vice versa. Thesame can happen in our relationships.
What you may have liked or found cute in apartner when a teenager will invariably be different to whatappeals to you in your twenties and thirties. Teenage romances,despite vows between the partners of undying love, tend to fizzleout as both people mature. There are exceptions to this of course,but that is generally what happens.
Once we have grown into adulthood we tend tohave a better sense of ourselves, and a more stable idea of whatappeals to us and what doesnt.
Its good to have a firm grasp on what it isthat you like and desire, and what has a tendency to turn you off.Knowing this about yourself and much of this is determined bylifes experiences will give you a better understanding of theright kind of partner for you and the level of compatibility neededto make a relationship work.
Never take too rigid a stance though, as youmay close the door on new and wondrous opportunities andexperiences that you never knew existed before.
Your Good Points
Its important to know what is positiveabout yourself. We all have our good points; areas of strength,likeable facets of our personalities and depth in ourcharacter.
Do you know what your good points are? Whatthings do you really like and admire about yourself? Can these goodpoints be made even better so they could be considered exceptional?Have you ever written down your positives on a sheet of paper tosee just how many there really are?
Although its never a good idea to boastabout whats good concerning you, it is important that you have astrong sense of, and recognition of, your strengths. After all, youare a very important person - both to yourself and those aroundyou.
Feel good about yourself. Regularly remindyourself of your good points in a grounded manner. This willproduce a sense of confidence that others will pick up on and bedrawn to. You will also find you have a greater chance of successwith everything you try due to that increase in confidence.Confidence breeds positivity and positivity attracts.
Your Flaws
Unfortunately we all have these. Not one ofus is faultless. If we were we would probably be considered ratheranal and somewhat boring.
It is not good or healthy to dwell on yourpersonal faults. However, it is important to be aware of themnonetheless.
Anything that is negative about you as aperson, or flaws in your character, should be exhibited as littleas possible. This is not intended as an exercise to pretend theydont exist, nor to deceive others into thinking you are possiblysomeone you are not. It is merely more beneficial for yourself andthose you interact with if your bad points are not constantly ondisplay.
Equally important is some concerted effortto try and improve on these flaws. Possibly even turn some of themaround so that they truly become positive character traits insteadof negative ones. Or find an area where that seemingly bad point orfault can be utilised in a positive way.
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