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Sometimes I think back on how I used to be when I wastrying to attract and build relationships with women. Its enjoyable to me becauseIm able to see how far Ive come and how much Ive grown as a man. It gives mea sense of perspective on whats actually important in life and whats not soimportant; especially when it comes to getting that one dream girl.
I think back on the kinds of women that I used to dateand I realize that no matter how gorgeous some of them might have appeared tobe on the surface, they all had some sort of emotional baggage or characterflaw that would just end up driving me crazy.
I mean, no matter how pretty, cute, fine, or gorgeous shewas I just couldnt seem to find a woman who was free from all the drama soto speak. In fact, one time it got so bad that I ended up in a relationshipwith this one girl who was obsessively jealous, manipulative, and a totalemotional shipwreck.
It was hell-on-earth.
I remember it so vividly because thats when I began toseriously consider where my life was headed. I started to wonder what kind ofman I was if all I seemed to attract were these extremely damaged women. In realityit wasnt a fun time for me, I can remember that much.
Of course, it was kind of fun in the sense that I wasplaying the field and having a good time, but it was costing me my peace ofmind, life success, and long-term happiness. I must actually thank her some daybecause that experience did help (force) me to want to change the kind of man Iwas so that I could find a phenomenal, drama-free woman to build a meaningfulrelationship with.
And you know what?
I soon realized that no matter how beautiful, gorgeous,smart, funny, or sexy a woman was if she didnt have a beautiful CHARACTER, shewas a complete waste of my time. I refused to lower my standards and focused ondating highly attractive women who also had hearts of gold.
It became that serious for me.
I eventually determined NOT to date women based solely onphysical attractiveness or mutual chemistry alone. I figured out that without astrong character, it was impossible for me to have the kind of relationshipthat few people ever experience in this world.
I realized that only a woman that embodied things likehonesty, sincerity, kindness, loyalty, respect for men, and gracefulness couldkeep me interested for a very long time. Without these kinds of qualities, nowoman could or would be able to build a deeply intimate and powerfulrelationship with me.
I wanted a woman that embodied that which was good in theworld and beautiful IN a woman. I wanted to have the kind of girlfriend that Icould carry before kings and queens and shed be able to fit right in if needbe.
In other words, I wanted a woman of noble character.
A womans character or lack thereof can make or breakyou.
No matter how strong or in control you think you are as aman, dont be fooled. When you decide to develop a relationship with a woman,she WILL have an influence on you no matter what. This is why it is essentialto seek out a woman that has the kind of qualities that will add VALUE to yourlife. And if shes not adding value to you shes definitely taking it away fromyou.
You dont want that now do you? Of course not!
If you really want a relationship with a Total 10 womanwhos drop-dead gorgeous, a blast to be around, and committed to treating youlike royalty, you need to learn how to judge a womans worth by her characterinstead of just her looks. Im not saying that outward beauty isnt important,because it is. In fact, for men, its essential. But dont let her outwardappearance determine your level of interest in her.
So if youre currently looking for Ms. Right heres atip:
Resolve only todate a woman if she possesses the kind of virtuous qualities that you know willadd value to your life. By doing this youll find that youll become a beaconfor high-quality women, simply because youve made a conscious decision toraise your standards.
In fact, make it a declaration and tell yourself oftenthat you only date high-quality, beautiful women who have hearts of gold. Yourboldness in setting a standard WILL set you apart from most guys and youllfind yourself assessing a woman based on her actions and behaviors as opposedto her beauty alone.
This will put you in a position of power since youre nolonger the kind of guy thats always trying to get a womans approval. Now,youre seeing if a woman has the kind of character that YOU approve of. Thismakes you out to be a leader in her eyes.
In the pages that follow, Im going todescribe a Total Package woman and why having her as a girlfriend will addfar more success and happiness to your life.
This kind of woman thinks very differently from theaverage woman when it comes to dating men and shes quite picky when selectinga potential mate. A woman like this is not only looking for Mr. Right, but aMr. Right that fits her subconscious image of the ideal man. She has a lot ofoptions and very high standards when it comes to men, because she knows shesworth it.
By learning how to recognize a high-quality woman,youll be in a much better position to attract her into your life. Also, bybecoming just as selective as she is when it comes to a potential mate, youllbecome far more attractive to her.
The first step to getting what you want is to knowwhat you want, and the second step to getting what you want is to DESERVE whatyou want. This is the secret to attracting the woman of your dreams, because ifyou dont become highly selective when it comes to dating women, youllcontinue to fall prey to low-quality women and lackluster relationships.
Tables Of Contents
Know What You Want And Deserve What You Want
Increasing Your Standards Gets You Better Results
Dating an average woman that isnt a good match for youor who isnt highly attracted to you or interested in adding value to your lifeis actually WORSE than being single. Ending up with a woman who isnt compatibleis a sentence to a life filled with misery, boredom, and continuous conflictand frustration.
Believe me on this one, you dont want to start aromantic relationship with anyone that doesnt meet your high standards. In thepast Ive tried to date women on the basis of hotness alone, and the resultshave been nothing short of frustrating.
Chemistry and compatibility are extremely important whenchoosing an ideal girlfriend. But it doesnt stop there.
In order for you to attract and choose the BEST woman foryou, one who has the Total Package, you actually have to increase yourstandards, and clarify exactly what qualities in a woman are most important toyou.