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Kathy Andrews - My peeping mom

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Kathy Andrews My peeping mom CHAPTER ONE Janice sat on the chair in the - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

My peeping mom


Janice sat on the chair in the darkness of her bedroom.

She knew she couldn't be seen. But she could see.

The house next door had bedrooms facing her own. There was perhaps twenty feet separating them, with a low fence between. At night, there were usually lights in those bedrooms, and she had been seeing some interesting goings on ever since the house was occupied.

Watching from the darkness of her own bedroom, Janice did not deny the excitement it aroused in her.

She had long ago come to terms with her erotic nature.

In the beginning, she had fought against it, thinking it weird and perverse, wicked, lewd. But then after she had suffered horribly, Janice accepted it. Once she accepted the feelings and emotions that rumbled through her body and mind, she had found a measure of peace. She knew of her desires, of the wanton desires in her mind and body, but she kept them to herself so far.

And now, the things she saw next door were making those desires burn with a searing flame. At first it had been fun and exciting just to peek, but now it was turning into torment.

The light was on across the fence, as usual. But the room was empty. That didn't matter; Janice knew it would be occupied soon. About ten feet from that window was another, and it, too, was usually well lit. Either those next door felt secure, or they didn't care if someone saw them. Either way, Janice wasn't going to inform them that they could, be seen. She didn't want to put a stop to what was quickly becoming a nightly pleasure.

The things that happened next door did not always happen at the same time. Most of the time only one room was worth watching.

Peeking into the lighted windows did not bother Janice. Although it had, at first, she learned to accept this part of her sexual nature, too. Now it no longer made her feel ashamed or guilty. She knew she was spying on her next door neighbors, but they should draw the drapes if they didn't want to be seen, she told herself.

Her eyes lit up as she saw the girl enter the bedroom. As usual, the girl was wearing pajamas. She was very beautiful. The girl had a sweet face, with huge eyes that gleamed. Her hair was blonde, a honey color. She also had that creamy tan most girls had in the hot summer months.

Janice pulled her chair closer to the window. The girl next door stood before a mirror, brushing her hair. She seemed to be humming softly, Janice noted. As the girl brushed her long hair, she did swaying motions, as if she were dancing slowly to some unheard music. The ass twisted and writhed in a tantalizing manner, and Janice felt a tingle start between her thighs.

In the beginning, Janice had not become very excited watching the girl, but the more she watched, the more interesting it was, and she wasn't surprised to find her emotions, her cunt, responding to the things she saw.

Watching the girl place the brush down, Janice knew what was next.

The girl opened the tops of her pajamas and slipped it off. The tightness of those saucy tits were creamy and inviting. Janice ran her tongue over her lips as her eyes strained with smoldering desire.

The girl cupped her tits with both hands, gazing in the mirror at them. When she thumbed the nipples, then began to twist them, Janice could hear her faint moan of pleasure. The windows in that house were usually open, and she could hear the girl's moans and sighs and whimpers.

When the girl hooked her fingers into the elastic waistband of her pajamas, Janice felt a burning in her own cunt. She ran her tongue over her lips with anticipation. The pajamas began to slide down. She wasn't sure if it was her imagination or not, but it seemed to Janice those pajamas went down much slower than before. And there was a lot of wiggling and twisting of that ass, too.

With the pajamas at mid-thigh, the beautiful girl turned and presented her naked ass to the mirror, looking over her shoulder at it. She wiggled it and twisted it in a delightfully erotic manner. The creamy cheeks of the girl's ass were quite lovely, smooth and swelling, flawless in their shape and tightness. It was, Janice had decided when she first saw that ass, the cutest ass she had ever seen.

The pajamas went down. Although the girl's feet were below the windowsill, Janice could see her whole body from the top of her blonde head to her knees. For a moment the girl stood sideways, looking at herself in the mirror. Janice watched those creamy, succulent tits arch out. They were small, but exquisitely tight and shapely.

Facing Janice, the girl gazed at her profile, hands on her hips. Janice stared at the girl's cunt. The girl had her thighs together at the moment, but the sweet slit could be seen. The hair if there was hair on that cunt was very scant and blonde.

Now the girl placed her hands on her ass cheeks and arched her hips forward, spreading her thighs. Janice sucked in her breath. The girl was extremely beautiful in her nakedness, so beautiful that Janice wanted to reach across the fence and run her hand over that satiny flesh.

The bed was in line with her vision, and she watched the girl go to it. As she did most nights, the girl sprawled on her stomach, bringing a pillow underneath her body. With her legs wide, the pillow under her hips, the girl began to writhe her hips. Janice could see, since the girl kept her legs wide, the flexing of that sweet ass and the cunt so deliciously devoid of hair.

The girl began banging her cunt on the pillow, fucking it. The soft moans of delight rippled across the fence. Janice's pussy was bubbling very hotly as she watched the girl fuck the pillow unashamedly.

Janice's eyes glowed hotly as she watched that cute, tight ass flex, bouncing and writhing. She now had one hand underneath her gown, her fingers digging into her firm, spongy tits. Her nipples were achingly hard.

The tight ass in the well-lighted window began to churn almost in a violent way now, and the moans of passion drifted to Janice. The girl was thrashing about as if she were in convulsion, her head banging upon the mattress as her ass bounced.

Finally, the girl rolled off the pillow, her legs wide.

The position of the girl was suck that Janice gazed up between those exquisitely slim thighs. She could see her cute hot cunt. She sighed as the girl began to caress her cunt with one hand, the other cupping a creamy tit.

What Janice had just witnessed was an almost nightly event. The girl masturbated often, and usually with all her clothes off. She didn't seem to ever wear a bra; at least Janice had never seen one on those succulent tits.

She watched the girl as she sat up, then disappeared from sight. Janice sighed again and started to get out of the chair. A movement in the other window the second bedroom window across the fence caused her to sit back down.

Her eyes widened.

The man was tall, with broad shoulders. She had seen him before, of course, just as she had seen the girl. The man was the father of the girl, that much she knew. So far, the only conversation that had passed between them was a friendly greeting, nothing else.

The man wore only jockey shorts.

Janice felt her eyes blur as they fixed on the front of his shorts. The bulge there was quite appealing to her. The man's chest was hairy, something she liked. The man faced the window for some time, as though he were taking deep breaths of the warm night air. His expression indicated preoccupation with thought.

His hand moved down his flat stomach, and Janice held her breath when she saw him cup his cock and balls. He fondled himself for a few moments, his face still indicating deep thought. When he shoved his hand beneath the elastic waistband of his jockey shorts, Janice sucked in her breath, wishing she could shove her hand into them, feel his cock and balls. The man caressed his cock and balls, his shorts moving, as Janice felt her hairy cunt twitch with desire. She shifted her ass on the chair, squirming as the heat grew steadily between her thighs.

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