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Kathy Andrews - Peeping tom mom

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Kathy Andrews Peeping tom mom CHAPTER ONE The womans cunt was hairy very - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

Peeping tom mom


The woman's cunt was hairy, very hairy. Peggy Mason stood outside the window in the darkness, peeking into the bedroom. The woman, about her age, was on her back, legs wide apart. Her tits, Peggy noticed with pleasure, were not nearly as good as her own. Neither were the woman's legs, nor her hips, nor her waist. But, although Peggy's cunt was quite hairy, it was nothing compared to the hair that covered this woman's cunt.

In fact, Peggy found nothing really attractive about this woman. She was average in looks, average in height and weight, nothing special to look at.

Crouching in the shrubbery, the full moon over her shoulder, Peggy watched the woman, feeling oddly excited. It wasn't exactly the woman that excited her; she had seen plenty of naked women before, mostly while in school. Her excitement came from the fact that the woman had no idea someone was peeking in the window, seeing her naked.

Peggy had never been a window peeper. She had never thought that that would excite her. Peggy got her kicks by doing, not looking. Still, there was a tingling between her thighs, and her tits seemed a bit more swollen, her nipples especially.

She would not have been crouching in the bushes now, looking in at the naked woman, if it had not been for her son, Jeff.

He had been acting strangely lately, and she found he was slipping out of the house late at night when he thought she was asleep. After giving some thought to it, Peggy had followed her son the night before and was surprised to see him looking into lighted windows. She had not peeked into any windows herself, but had followed her son for a while. Finally she went back home, troubled by what she had discovered about her son.

She could easily see why this naked woman would excite Jeff, though. This was the window he had looked in the longest the night before. But then, any naked woman would probably excite him. He was at the age where something of this sort would thrill the hell out of him. And the woman in the bedroom, lying on the bed, her legs wide apart, was one of the teachers in his school. Peggy had met her, talked to her.

Of course she would appeal to Jeff, Peggy thought as she watched the woman start fondling herself. In a way, it excited her, too, watching a woman caress her naked body. The excitement was, Peggy knew, the idea of watching without anyone knowing she was watching.

She stayed for a while longer, but when the woman began to vigorously finger-fuck herself, Peggy turned and went quietly back to the sidewalk and started home.

It bothered her that Jeff was going out late at night and watching people secretly. The town was not that large; everyone knew everyone. If her son should be caught, they would have to move, and quickly, because Peggy would be unable to face the shame.

Maybe she should not have gone out this night and looked into that window. But the urge to see what her son had been watching the night before had been too strong for her to resist. And now that she knew, what was she going to do about it? Bawl him out, whip his little ass? Peggy had not spanked her son. She could, maybe explain to him that what he was doing was wrong, that he could be caught and they would have to move. All his friends were here, too. That might be a good argument with him. They had lived here for ten years, ever since Peggy had divorced his father. They knew almost everyone.

Reaching her home, she paused and looked at the dark house. It was much too big for the two of them, but it was given to her by her grandfather. There were no payments and no rent to come out of what money she had. The only light in the house was coming from her son's bedroom. Feeling a bit guilty, Peggy slipped alongside the house until she could look into her son's bedroom.

Jeff was on his bed, wearing white shorts. She could see the slight bulge of his cock, and somehow that thrilled her. She had not seen her son undressed for the past few years. She had, of course, seen him in bathing trunks and cutoff jeans, but seeing him in his shorts was different. It was erotic, she thought. Yes, that was it erotic.

Her eyes stared at the bulge of his cock. Jeff had a book propped up on his chest, and as she watched, he started getting a hard-on. Peggy's breath caught in her throat as she watched his cock swell, growing into hardness. She could now see the outline of his cock, even the swollen head. There was a twitch between her thighs, and Peggy realized her cunt was hot, very hot and wet. In fact, she was so wet the crotch of her panties was becoming soaked.

Peggy could hardly believe what she was feeling. She could never be sexually attracted to her son, never. Yet, at this moment, she found it very difficult to pull her gaze from his cock. His was not a very large cock, at least from what she could see in the window. But Jeff was still young, and his cock would grow. He was expected to grow, to learn. But her? She certainly was not expected to feel so wet and hot between her thighs! She was not expected to become aroused so intensely by the sight of her son's cock, so very hard inside those white shorts.

She saw her son move his hand down his stomach, then lightly press his palm upon his prick.

That was all he did.

And her cunt almost exploded with an orgasm.

Weird, Peggy thought. Weird as hell!

Jeff did nothing else, just pressed his cock, and then removed his hand. And she almost came in her fucking panties!

Peggy slipped away from the window, aware that she was shaking, that her legs felt weak, that her cunt was almost boiling. She stood in front of the house for a time, her mind reeling, confusion flooding her.

The house was old, but in good condition. Like most old homes, there was a front porch, and a porch swing, with two other chairs near by. Peggy climbed the stairs slowly and sat in the wooden porch swing, rocking back and forth. She folded her hands in her lap and thought. But all her thoughts were jumbled up, the hardness of her son's cock getting into her mind, her weird reaction to the sight. It was possible, she thought, her response to that would have been the same if it were any man, some stranger she had seen through the window. Peggy wasn't certain about that since she didn't go around looking into lighted windows.

But her son?

Seeing his cock, making her so very wet and shivery?

But she had not seen his cock all she had seen was that he had a hard-on.

The night was very warm, with only the slightest of breezes. She swung back and forth slowly in the porch swing, hearing the crickets and the soft, comforting sounds of other night creatures. The hot throbbing of her clit continued, and the puffy lips of her cunt twitched.

Peggy had no idea how long she sat on the porch swing, her thoughts tumbling about in her mind. After a while she stood up and entered the house, her movements stiff and wooden. A quick check on her son told her he was now asleep, and she went into her own room. Turning on the lights, she filled her bedroom with brightness and stood before her mirror looking at herself.

Peggy had long, wavy chestnut-colored hair that hung past her shoulders in soft strands. Her face was slightly oval, like an egg. Her wide eyes were blue. They were wide and clear and sparkled when she felt good. They could, in turn, become cloudy with heat when aroused, still retaining that sparkling look. Her nose was small, right for her face. Her lips, full and moist, drew the eye of these speculating upon her erotic nature. Her neck was long and slender, very graceful.

Peggy opened the man's shirt she wore, sliding it from her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Her tits strained against the confines of a lacy bra. The light brown of her nipples could be seen through the transparent material. As she arched her shoulders, reaching behind to unhook the bra, it looked as though her tits would break free. The bra fluttered to the floor, and Peggy stood with shoulders back, gazing at her tits, turning to view them in profile, then facing the mirror again. Her tits were rounded, firm with a creamy texture to the skin. They sloped downward, then curved sharply underneath. Her nipples pointed out and up, almost toward the ceiling. They were quite sensitive nipples, always swelling at the slightest provocation.

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