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Kathy Andrews - Mom get her licks

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Kathy Andrews Mom get her licks CHAPTER ONE Julie was wearing old jeans and - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

Mom get her licks


Julie was wearing old jeans and a baggy sweatshirt as she struggled to rid the alley of weeds. The tall wooden fence was in good repair, but filled with knotholes. On the other side was her home, with a large expanse of lush lawn and shrubbery.

Despite the old jeans and sweatshirt, it was obvious Julie was a beautiful woman. She was on her knees, leaning over and hacking at the stubborn weeds with a dull scythe, the faded jeans stretched over her beautifully shaped ass. She could hear the twins playing on the other side of the fence, their giggles and, secret whispers comforting her. Becky and Ben were her joy, her pride. They had been the only thing that held her together when her husband had been killed almost two years ago.

They were a strange pair, she thought, wiping sweat from her forehead. They seemed more secretive than other boys and girls, spending most of their time together. At an age when boys considered all girls hardly worthy of their attention, Ben doted on his twin sister. Julie had heard or read someplace that twins often were that way, much closer than a brother and sister of similar ages. She looked at the remaining weeds, frowning because she still had almost five feet to go before the end.

She was leaning dawn to hack away again when the cock came poking through a large knothole in the fence. A gasp rose in her throat.

It had to be Ben's cock; he was the only boy in the back yard. For a moment she felt anger, then a flush of embarrassment. She opened her mouth to yell at her son, and couldn't speak.

Something unexpected happened to Julie as she stared at the boy's cock. There was a sudden eruption of wet heat between her legs, a feeling of impending orgasm. She had not felt that sensation since before her husband had been killed.

The cock was hard, and she stared with glazed eyes when it was wigged up and down. Her son's cock was thicker than she would have suspected, and about five inches long. The cockhead was very smooth, very swollen. The sun glinted on the cockhead, and she saw moisture there. Her tits felt full and hard, straining against the old sweatshirt.

The cock was about two and half feet from her, level with her face. Julie made a soft whimpering sound in her throat as her mouth became watery. She couldn't help it. Her mouth always became watery when she saw a cock. It had been that way, at least, with her husband. Sometimes she wondered if anything was seriously wrong with her because of that

She had married her husband knowing next to nothing about cock or fucking. He was the first to fuck her, and she had found what she had been missing. She had surprised them both with the violence of her orgasms, something they had delighted in. Julie came very, very easily. Within a week of her wedding, she found she could make herself come in a variety of ways: swinging her crossed knee, pressing her thighs together, and even fantasizing about hard cock.

Her husband had found it terrific, and often helped her. At his suggestion, they would dress and go out for dinner, but Julie would be totally naked under her dress. While eating in a nice place, her husband would whisper that some man was looking at her, that the man could see under her dress, and Julie would stare in a glassy expression, and come time and again.

But the strangest way she came was in bed with her husband. He would begin telling her an erotic story, with her as the main character. Julie would begin coming, and the more her husband built on the story, the more she came. Quite often she would thrash about in bed, clawing at her tits, or her cunt, squealing with orgasms. She didn't have to touch her cunt during those times, but her hands usually found it eventually.

Her husband had enjoyed those episodes as much as she had, although he never came until getting is cock into her. Then he would fuck her with a brutal wildness that left her breathless and exhausted, radiant with rapture.

The first time she wok her husband's cock into her mouth had sent shock waves through her slender body. She had been resting her head on his stomach as he played with his cock and balls. They had been married only a few days at the time. She had examined his big cock closely, fascinated by it.

Something had urged her head downward to his cock. There had been no specific thought that she could remember. Her husband had not asked her, nor had she told him what she was going to do. Julie had simply kissed the rounded head of his cock. A gasp had ripped from her throat, and before either of them knew it, she had her mouth wrapped about his cock and was trying to swallow the huge cockhead. When she had first lowered her mouth on her husband's cock, her cunt had started contractions that were tighter, hotter, wetter than any other.

She had come time and again without rest, sucking at his big cock with a starving eagerness that surprised and delighted them both. Her husband had spurted his come juice into her mouth without warning because it happened so quickly. The thick and creamy come juice sprayed the back of her throat, then burned don into her stomach. Her eyes, which had been closed because of her joy, had popped wide as her body stiffened out, her cunt convulsing with such strength she could hardly bear it.

Thereafter, she sucked his cock as much and as often as she could. She was hungry for his prick, thirsty for his come juice. It drove her wild with desire when she had her lips gripping his prick, and she always began coming immediately, with her final orgasm the best of all.

"Some women are born cock-suckers," her husband had told her. "Some women would rather suck cock than fuck it. You're probably one of them, Julie."

She had worried about it for weeks. She didn't want to be different from other women, yet her desire to suck cock, was stronger than the desire to fuck with her cunt. She accepted her hunger to suck cock after her husband told her he preferred her mouth to her cunt. Not that he didn't love to have her wet, hairy cunt around his cock, but she sucked so strongly and licked so good with her tongue. Her cunt couldn't do that, he had told her.

From then on, Julie had sucked her husband's cock off daily, sometimes twice a day, and usually fucked him once with her cunt.

When he had been killed, her sexual hunger seemed to have faded. Only once in a while did it surface, usually in a beautiful dream as she slept at night. During the day, she never thought about it.

Until now.

There, was no doubt in her mind that the cock she was gazing at belonged to Ben, her son. She strained her hearing but heard nothing, not even a whisper, on the other side of the fence. She wondered if Becky was still there, knew what her twin brother was doing. The idea that her daughter might even be watching sent a ripple of strange, burning excitement up and down Julie's body.

She sat on her heels, her thighs together, staring with a smoldering, glazed look in her eyes. Her clit seemed to be pressing at the seam of her jeans, swollen into a hard, tingling knot. She swallowed, but that didn't stop the watering of her mouth. She licked her lips.

Hot piss suddenly boiled from Ben's cock, spraying a few feet into the alley. Julie's breath caught in her throat, and she froze in stiffness as she watched Ben pissing. The lips of her cunt felt swollen, bulging at the tight crotch of her old jeans. She could feel the wetness of her cunt, the swell of her nipples, the throb of her inflamed clit.

She dropped the scythe and clutched her stomach, her cunt bubbling into an orgasm.

The words of her husband rang inside her head: "Cock-sucker," he had said. "You're a born cock-sucker. You love cock in your mouth, so I'll call you fuck-face or cunt-face. Cock sucker cock-sucker cock-sucker"

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