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Kathy Andrews - Finally with mom

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Kathy Andrews

Finally with mom


Peggy was certain Ted was jacking off. She had not caught him doing it. It was just a feeling she had. She had learned to trust her feelings, or at least most of them. In this she was ninety-nine percent sure he was pulling his cock off. For one thing, he spent too much time behind the locked door of the bathroom, much too long for anything else. And the spots on his sheets. Sometimes they were still moist when she found them. Peggy knew what cum looked like, felt like, tasted like.

She was reminded of when she was a young girl, not much older than Ted. She had been a hot little piece, she thought with a smile.

Everyone seemed to know she was hot, too. At least the boys in her school. There must have been something about her, her appearance, her expression, that told them she had one hot little ass on her. At the time, she wasn't sure what told them, and even now, wasn't entirely sure. Eyes would follow her everywhere, watching her tight little ass sway, the flash of long, slender thigh, or the swelling shape of her sprouting little tits. Peggy had wanted cock then, wanted it badly. Yet, for some reason she couldn't understand, she remained a virgin until she married. A virgin, at least, when it came to her cunt.

She had certainly jacked off enough boys in cars, or inside darkened movie theaters, and once or twice behind a building. The boys always wanted more, much more, from her. But Peggy refused, getting them off with her hand when they became almost uncontrollable. Jacking boys off had been fun, though

She moved to the window, looking out at the bright spring day. The grass was green, and flowers were blooming. It was a beautiful day, one that promised an early summer. It was weather for shorts, for bikinis, the beach or the mountains. Soon, the sweet, pretty girls would be running around wearing almost nothing, and the boys following, like little pussy dogs in heat, tongues hanging out and cocks upright with hardness. They would all play their little games, then the boys would find someplace to jack off, maybe brag about whose little panties they had gotten into. Most of it was lies, of course, but most boys had to be that way.

She wondered if her son would be one of them.

She smiled at the thought.

She would enjoy watching him going through the rites of spring with a pretty little thing. She would enjoy watching him very closely, but on the other hand, she didn't want him to suffer the way she remembered it at his age. Boys, it seemed, suffered more than girls. But that was wrong, Peggy knew. She had suffered horribly, wanting one of those young hard cocks in her pussy, fucking her hard and deep. She had used her own hands and fingers often enough, and suspected most of her girlfriends had, too. Those times she had jacked boys off, her little cunt would boil with need, drenched her panties. A few times, she actually came, although she never let the boys know that. After jacking them off, she would wipe her hand on anything handy, but spend the rest of the day smelling of her hand, her fingers. The scent excited her, kept her in a state of delicious arousal for hours.

Then she married.

Everything was turned loose, and she found out just how hot she really was.

Peggy became insatiable, fucking her husband almost into exhaustion. At first, he seemed happy with what the had, then he began to turn away, complaining of tiredness, and eventually accusing her of being a nympho. That wasn't true, Peggy felt. She just loved the hardness of a cock fucking in and out of her cunt. It was true, however, that she could fuck all day and night. Her fantasies were wild and glorious, and she had made a mistake when she told her husband of them.

He was packed and gone in a short time, saying Peggy was a pervert, a nasty woman, a deviant, and he wanted no more to do with her.

Hurt, she withdrew into herself, depressed most of the time. She thought her husband could be right, that something was wrong with her. Maybe she was a pervert, a nasty woman. It took years before she managed to come to terms with herself, accept what she wanted, without guilt.

The only problem was, she was afraid of a close relationship with a man. She was afraid of being hurt again.

Years had gone by, and in all that time Peggy had held her burning hungers inside, suffering with them, doing what she could about it in privacy. Her fingers were a poor substitute for a cock, but it was all she had.

And now, Ted was jacking off.

He was in his room, right now, pounding on his young cock. She was sure of it. She had seen him go in, close his door, and that had been half an hour ago. Ted seldom closed his bedroom door, even at night. With his door closed, the only thing he could be doing was jerking on his cock.

The urge to sneak up to the door and listen was strong. She could imagine what her ex-husband would say if he knew what was going on in her mind right now. Yet, she wanted to listen to her son as he ran his fist up and down his hard cock, listen to his breathing, his gasps of self-induced pleasure when he squirted.

She turned from the window, lifting her hands to her thrusting tits. Curling her fingers over the firmness, she squeezed, bringing a soft moan from her throat. Sliding her hand inside her blouse, she pushed her fingers into her bra and felt the silky skin of one tit. Her cunt throbbed inside her panties, becoming moist as her cunt started bulging. She ran her other hand down her flat stomach, pushing her palm between her legs, feeling the moist heat of her cunt through wispy panties and skirt. She twisted her ass gently, lifting her head and closing her eyes, imagining how her son would look right now. Would he be on his back across his bed, his cock out of his pants, or would he have his pants shoved to his knees? Maybe he was standing up, or kneeling, or doubling over. Every position she imagined Ted in sent a burning tingle through her cunt.

Inching her skirt up, she pushed her hand against the slight bulge of her panties, feeling the wetness on the crotch. Spreading her feet on the floor, she began to rub at her pussy, making soft mewls of pleasure.

A mild orgasm sent a shivering spasm through her body.

Fast, too fast, she thought.

She cupped her cunt, squeezing it, trying to bring on those sweet, hot ripples again. But it didn't work this time. Disappointed, she straightened her skirt and adjusted her blouse. Her face flushed slightly, Ted noticed he as he came into the living room. But by then, Peggy was presentable. She gave her a son a smile, a very small smile, and her gaze dropped to the front of his pants, briefly.

"Are you getting hungry, honey?" she asked, for lack of anything else to say.

"It's too early, Mom," he replied. "Besides, I gotta meet Henry down on the corner."

Henry was her nephew, her sister's son. Ted and Henry had almost grown up together. They were the best of friends, as well as cousins. Arlene, Peggy's sister, had gone through a divorce, too, but it had not been as traumatic as Peggy's. In fact, Arlene was now married to a good man, even if he did travel all the time. Still, he earned a good salary and took very good care of Arlene and Henry.

She was reminded about a lunch date with her sister the next day. Arlene had something, she had said, very important to talk over with her, wanting Peggy's advice.

She watched her son leave, banging the door behind him. She had told him a hundred times not to bang the door, but it no longer bothered her. He was just a young, exuberant boy, filled with more energy than he could wear off. She watched him pedal off down the street, then turned from the window.

Immediately, she went to his room.

She had been right.

He had been jacking off.

The evidence was there.

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