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Kathy Andrews - Hot mom, hotter step-mom

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Kathy Andrews

Hot mom, hotter step-mom


Kathy opened her legs wide, sliding her body to the end of the tub. She parted her softly haired cunt, her legs climbing up the stall.

The water from the faucet splashed down upon her pussy, and she purred softly. Adjusting her hips, she caught the force of the water on her clitoris, her breath catching suddenly. Pulling at the puffy lips of her cunt, she held it wide open. The water splashed over her rigid clit and down along the slit. She began to moan and writhe her shapely ass against the wall of the tub.

After a moment, she positioned her cunt so the water would sting her inflamed clitoris, then she drew her hands along her smooth flesh, up to her tits. For a moment she teased herself, pulling and twisting at her nipples while the water agitated her cunt.

Pulling up on one tit, she dipped her chin down and ran her tongue about the long, hard nipple. With soft whimpers of pleasure, she licked at each nipple, her tongue swirling with wet heat. She lifted her hips and felt the water flow over the lips of her cunt, down to her asshole.

With a soft cry, she closed her lips about a nipple and began to suck, gently at first. As her pussy tingled, she wiggled to feel the water splash on her clitoris, then the open lips, and back to her clitoris again. Her lips, pulling at her nipple, began to suck harder, with more frenzy, her tongue swirling in hot circles. She closed her eyes as the rapture increased.

One hand left her tit, rushing downward, past her hip. She closed her fingers on the cheek of her tight ass, squeezing, digging. She started making gasping sounds, her lips pulling hard at her nipple, her hips moving from side to side.

The water, quite hot, streamed over her cunt and seemed to fill it. She arched her crotch up higher, and the water gushed against her asshole.

Her fantasy intensified, as it always did when she was close to coming.

The faucet was not a faucet any longer, but a cock. It was a thick, long, beautiful cock, and it was raining golden piss onto her bubbling cunt and squeezing asshole.

She came.

Then as the orgasm peaked, her ass lowered into the tub, her nipple slipping out of her mouth. She lay breathing deeply, the fantasy fading.

She wanted more. One orgasm was never enough. But she didn't have time.

A soft shudder went though her lovely body, and she sat up in the tub. Plugging the drain, she sprinkled bath oil into the water. Kathy tried to come at least twice a day, knowing that if she didn't, she would feel irritable. While the tub filled, she sat and fondled her cunt, sliding her lingers up and down the fiery lips. She wondered if she could use a finger or two quickly and come once more. She began to slide two fingers into her pussy, then she jerked her hand away, swinging her arms over her naked tits.


Jim had walked into the bathroom unexpectedly.

He stopped, frozen, staring at his mother. Kathy's face turned pink as she stared back at her son.

Jim had never walked in on her before. But then, Kathy had always locked the bathroom door before.

While her son stood staring at her nipple, Kathy found herself staring at the front of his cut-off jeans. Her voice refused to work, and she swallowed, feeling a throbbing between her legs. She stared as her son's cock grew, hardening. She couldn't take her eyes from it. She found it fascinating, seeing his prick thicken and swell. Then the pink cock-head emerged. Kathy's cunt seemed to draw inward suddenly, her clit tingling.

Jim finally turned his gaze from her nipple.

Kathy had her knees ran up, and the water was only a few inches deep so far. She gasped when her son moved toward the tub. When he stood close, looking down at her, she could reach out and touch the head of his cock. That was all she could see, just the head, but it sent wild, burning shivers of desire through her. She saw his piss-hole, saw it gleaming with seeping juices. It seemed to be trying to lift upward, but the cut-offs held it down.

Jim looked at his mother's face, and Kathy finally lifted her eyes to his. She licked her lips again, and then her son did something that was totally out of character for him.

He drew the leg of his cut-offs up, and his cock lifted free. She saw it only for a quick moment before he turned his back to her, facing the toilet. Her eyes moved over his ass, thinking how compact and tight it was. Then she heard him pissing into the toilet.

"Jim," she said, her voice a bare whisper. "Let me watch you."

Without hesitation, her son turned and moved to the other side of the toilet, holding his cock at the base. His prick was only half hard now, but Kathy's eyes were fixed upon it with hungry heat. The golden piss spurted from his cock, tinkling into the toilet bowl. Kathy stared hard as her son stood pissing, unashamed.

"My God," she whispered, her cunt twitching as she drew her knees back to her tits. Her arms slipped about her legs, hugging them against her titties. Her eyes were bright as she stared at his cock. Jim could see the dark shadow of his mother's cunt-hair as the water deepened. "Ohhhh, my God!"

Kathy could not prevent the sudden clutch of an orgasm. She felt her clit throb, felt her pussylips clutching as if it had a cock inside. The contractions rippled about her cunt, causing her to tremble. Her eyes never moved from her son's cock. Seeing him piss excited her beyond her fantasies. Her orgasm didn't fade, but increased, thrilling her with a series of orgasms that blistered her flesh. Her ass writhed on the bottom of the tub, and she made soft, squealing sounds, her eyes slitted with ecstasy.

The golden stream lost force, and stopped gushing. She gazed hotly as his piss slowed and dribbled, then stopped together.

Jim, staring boldly at his mother, shook his cock, sending a few drops flying. Kathy's cunt tightened, making her sob softly. Slowly she straightened and lowered her long legs in the tub, not covering her tits this time. Jim stared hard at his mother's tits. They were full and firm, flawless in shape. Her nipples were quite long, rubbery in hardness. His cock lifted again, swelling back to full hardness. He didn't shove it into his cut-offs, but stood and pointed his cock at his mother.

"That was wonderful," Kathy whispered, her face still flushed. "It was beautiful, darling. Very beautiful."

Jim offered a small smile, his eyes still on his mother's revealed tits, his cock jerking in hardness, his piss-hole glistening once more with seeping juices.

"Play with it," Kathy whimpered throatily. "Play with it for me, Jim."

Without hesitation, Jim closed his fist about his cock and began to pump, while staring at his mother's tits. Beneath his pumping hand, Kathy saw one of her son's balls slide into view. She caught her breath, sliding a hand between her thighs and pressing it against her boiling cunt, legs closed together.

"Does it feel good?" she whispered, her voice hoarse and very low. "Does it make you feel very good, Jim?"

Jim nodded, his fist moving back and forth. Kathy gazed at the head of his cock, watching his fist cover it, then expose it. She wanted to reach out, to shove the crotch of his cut-offs to one side, to expose his young balls, but she was afraid. She was afraid it would break the spell they were both caught in. She was afraid if the spell was broken, her son would run away with embarrassment.

Staring at her son's cock, watching his fist move back and forth, Kathy lifted her hand and closed it about her tit. She lifted her tit to her mouth and swirled her tongue around the nipple, her eyes blazing on his cock and fist. She kept her legs clamped together, hiding her fiery cunt from her son's eyes.

Jim's legs trembled as her jerked on his cock, his eyes glazed and fixed upon his mother's tit, watching her suck her nipple. His balls became tight, swollen. His fist speeded up.

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