Cure Back Pain
~The Yogic Way~
Using ancient Indian healing systems of Yoga, Mudras and Ayurveda to eliminate your backache and get rid of your pain medications within days.
by Advait Copyright 2019, Advait. All rights reserved.
Back Pain The Global Epidemic
Tell me how this is for an intro; 'People in the Unites States collectively spend upwards of 150 Billion Dollars every year on back pain treatments'!!! Here is a NBC news report on Lower back pain disorders, how it is a top cause of disability globally, and complications arising out of it. LINK:- Below are some of the snippets from the report that will reaalllyy surprise you. "Despite guidelines from top medical groups, doctors still tend to prescribe pain pills to people with back pain instead of physical therapy and exercise." "In the U.S., for instance, more than 60 percent of people with low back pain get opioids. "Lower back pain costs 3 million years of productive life every year in the U.S. a calculation that takes into account both people affected and how long their pain keeps them out of work." Do I have your attention now?? Well, what if I tell you that all these physical and emotional hazards can be prevented and also be cured by using simple Yogic techniques which cost nothing... a calculation that takes into account both people affected and how long their pain keeps them out of work." Do I have your attention now?? Well, what if I tell you that all these physical and emotional hazards can be prevented and also be cured by using simple Yogic techniques which cost nothing...
That is what this book is all about. If you are familiar with my other works, this book too is absolutely fluff free and concise. Read on...
Three Pillars of Yogic Healing
Yoga Asanas, Mudras & Ayurveda
The True Meaning of Yoga
There is a common and popular belief that Yoga is an Indian ritual which is all about performing difficult physical exercises for maintaining health and curing diseases. This is a MYTH!! Actually, sound health is a side-effect of Yoga. Surprising!!! But true.
The word Yoga literally means to unite ourselves with our higher self - an entirely meta-physical objective which can be achieved through a Discipline of Physical exercises (Asanas) coupled with Meditation exercises ( Dhyana ) and Breathing exercises (Pranayam). When we perform those exercises we get in shape and achieve good health. Yoga is not something which is only to be performed or practiced; it is also to be achieved. Yoga is the destination and the path to it is through a disciplined practice of physical exercises, meditation and breathing exercises. Maharshi Patanjali , in his revolutionary work Paatanjal YogaSutra prescribes an eight-fold path to achieve Yoga, known as Ashtang Yoga. [Paatanjal YogaSutra is considered to be the most comprehensive book on Yoga and it forms the basis and reference of all the Yoga methodologies practiced throughout the world today.] The Ashtang Yoga [eight-fold path to yoga], given by Maharshi Patanjali is as follows: Yama The moral virtues that one should possess as they are considered to be essential for ones initiation on the path to yoga.
Niyama It involves being knowledgeable and aware about your surroundings and then studying your-self to form an essential discipline which you would adhere to. Asana Understanding and Performing the required physical exercises, this is the core of your yoga practice. Pranayam It is all about breath control, which enhances the life energy which governs the existence of a being and balances the mental energy. Pratyahar Sensory inhibitions which internalize the consciousness and prepare your mind to take action. Dharana It involves inculcating an extended mental focus to concentrate on only those things that are essential. Dhyana It involves meditation, paying attention to your breathing and thus focusing only on yourself.
Samadhi Becoming one with the object of your contemplation and experiencing spiritual liberation. Yama and Niyama are essential for inculcating the needed discipline and to establish a strict routine. Asana is the crucial physical part, which subjects your body to essential physical movements through different exercises. Pranayam and Pratyahar are needed to guide us through the various breathing exercises and for making us aware of the internal spiritual changes as we ascend along the path to Yoga. Dharana and Dhyana stages prepare us mentally and spiritually to concentrate inwards by using various meditation exercises.
What are Mudras?
According to the Vedic culture of ancient India, our entire world is made of the five elements called as The Panch-Maha-Bhutas.
What are Mudras?
According to the Vedic culture of ancient India, our entire world is made of the five elements called as The Panch-Maha-Bhutas.
The five elements being Earth , Water , Fire , Wind and Space/Vacuum . They are also called the earth element, water element, fire element, wind element and space element. These five elements constitute the human body the nutrients from the soil (earth) are absorbed by the plants which we consume (thus we survive on the earth element), the blood flowing through own veins represents the water element, the body heat represents the fire element, the oxygen we inhale and the carbon dioxide we exhale represents the wind element and the sinuses we have in our nose and skull represent the space element. As long as these five elements in our body are balanced and maintain appropriate levels we remain healthy. An imbalance of these elements in the human body leads to a deteriorated health and diseases. Now understand this, the command and control center of all these five elements lies in our fingers.
So literally, our health lies at our fingertips. The Mudra healing method that I am going to teach you depends on our fingers. To understand this, we should first know the finger-element relationship: Thumb Fire element. Index finger Wind element. Middle finger Space/Vacuum element. Third finger Earth element.
Small finger Water element. This image will give you a better understanding of the concept:
When the fingers are brought together in a specific pattern and are touched to each other, or slightly pressed against each other, the formation is called as a Mudra. When the five fingers are touched and pressed in a peculiar way to form a Mudra, it affects the levels of the five elements in our body, thus balancing those elements and inducing good health . P.S. The Mudra Healing and Weight Loss methods arent just theory or wordplay; these are healing methods from the ancient Indian Vedic culture, proven and tested over ages.
For the better understanding of the reader, detail images have been provided for every mudra along with the method to perform it.
The Mudras whose images show only one hand performing the Mudra, are to be performed simultaneously on both your hands for the Mudras to have the maximum effect.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda ( ) is an ancient system of health care that is native to the Indian subcontinent. It is presently in daily use by millions of people in India and it is been hugely appreciated and followed by millions of people across the globe as a holistic approach to health and well being. The word Ayurveda is a compound Sanskrit word, Ayurveda ( ) = Ayushya ( ) + Veda ( ) , Where, Ayushya means Life and Veda means Wisdom / Knowledge. Thus, Ayurveda Literally means, the knowledge of life. Ayurveda is concerned with measures to protect "Ayushya" (Life), which is achieved through a healthy living along with therapeutic measures that relate to physical, mental, social and spiritual harmony.