Are You a Candidate
to Read This Book?
Take our quiz to find out. Simply mark Y for Yes or N for No on the line before each entry.
About You
___ Im overwhelmed, overbooked, and overstressed, yet I take on more.
___ Some days I wonder where my dreams went.
___ Its hard for me to let go of grudges or my past.
___ I find it difficult to be happy for those who succeed.
___ I tend to lose the same ten pounds over and over and over.
___ I promise myself Ill say no but still find myself saying yes.
___ Everyone seems to do better than me.
___ I find it difficult to confront others with things theyve done wrongwhether at home, at work, or with friends.
___ It isnt easy for me to make or keep friends.
___ Life isnt anything like my dreams... and Im disappointed.
___ I feel bitter and angry sometimes, like I got the raw end of a deal.
___ I dont feel like what I do is very important.
___ Many of the things I do go unnoticed by others.
___ Some days I think, Im never going anywhere, am I? Im just stuck.
About Others
___ Others rarely (or never) listen to me, even when I have something important to say.
___ Others drop the ball a lot. I always end up picking it up and running with it to the finish line. Otherwise the task wont get done.
___ My sister/brother was the perfect one at home.
___ When others get angry, I freeze or go into super-pleaser mode.
___ Others dont give me much respect.
___ My parents were always hard on me. I couldnt do anything right.
___ Im a cup-half-empty kind of person. I get down on myself a lot.
___ My family and/or co-workers take me and everything I do for granted.
___ Others act (or have acted) abusively toward me, whether in words or actions, and I just take it.
___ Every relationship I have seems to go wrong somewhere.
___ I find myself thinking, Why cant I be more like her?
If any of these topics resonated with you and you marked even one Y, you need to not only read this book but carry it around with you.
This book will scratch where you itch.
I promise.
Have a new you by Friday? Is it possible?
To tell you the truth, its a scam. You can have a new you by Wednesday if you do just a few simple things. And then you can have an even better you by Friday! Keep reading, and Ill show you how.
This is the miracle turnaround youre looking for.
I guarantee it.
2010 by Kevin Leman
Published by Revell
a division of Baker Publishing Group
P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287
Ebook edition created 2010
Ebook corrections 3.20.2012
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meansfor example, electronic, photocopy, recordingwithout the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.
ISBN 978-1-4412-1368-6
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
To protect the privacy of those who have shared their stories with the author, some details and names have been changed.
The internet addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers in this book are accurate at the time of publication. They are provided as a resource. Baker Publishing Group does not endorse them or vouch for their content or permanence.
This Book Ought to Cost $199
How would you like the new you delivered? UPS, FedEx? (US mail is available, but at a slightly higher rate.) Or would you like the new you delivered via personal courier? With Devin Leman, its satisfaction guaranteed!
Just Who Do You Think You Are? (You Might Be Surprised)
Whats your real personality, and how did you get to be that way? And why settle for less when you can be so much more?
Maybe You Do Belong in the Zoo!
When you entered your family, you changed your entire family dynamicmuch more than you think.
Why are these famous people the way they are? It has everything to do with their birth order
Oh, the Lies We Tell... Ourselves
Why your early childhood memories are clues to who you are today, how you came up with your rule book, and what you can do about those sneaky lies you tell yourself about yourself.
How Do You Spell Love? (My Wife Spells It V-i-s-a)
What makes you feel loved, and what does that say about you? Understanding your own style and the styles of others can smooth relational road bumps.
Shrink Thyself
Youre the expert on yourself, so why not save $225 per session to see a professional shrink? (Im sure you have better things to spend that money on.) Ill show you how.
In relationships, at work... your life can be transformed with these quick suggestions.
With grateful thanks to my editorial power team:
Lonnie Hull DuPont, who always entertains my entrepreneurial ideas and maintains her sense of humor. (Besides that, shes never hung up on me and never told me I was wacko.)
Jessica Miles, my eagle-eyed Revell project editor, who can spot a grammatical flaw from a hundred paces.
Ramona Cramer Tucker, who can translate Leman-speak better than anyone else. You are appreciated.
This Book Ought to Cost $199
How would you like the new you delivered? UPS, FedEx? (US mail is available, but at a slightly higher rate.) Or would you like the new you delivered via personal courier? With Kevin Leman, its satisfaction guaranteed!
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Well, Dr. Leman, youre saying, I could think of a bunch of things. How on earth could I pick just one?
Congratulations! Youre the very person I wrote this book for. You see, theres a reason you picked up this book. Youd like to see a few thingsor manychange in your life. You may have tried other ways of helping this change alongasking a friend to hold you accountable, going to see a shrink, writing in a journal, counting to ten before you do the thing that gets you in trouble every time, etc. But have they worked? Nope. Or you would have fixed yourself and you wouldnt need this book.
How many times have you committed to say no to something you know youll be asked to do... then found yourself signing up anyway? How many diets have you gone on in the last five or ten years (or more)? How many times have you lost the same ten pounds? (By modest calculation, then, someone like me has lost over 750 pounds in his lifetime.) How many times have you told yourself, Ill never say that to my kids, then not only do you say it, but you say it with the same tone your mom or dad used with you? How many times have you felt like a gerbil in a cage, running around and around on that wheel but never really going anywhere, never accomplishing anything?
If you can relate, Have a New You by Friday is for you. Thousands of families are finding help in Have a New Kid by Friday (theres no better cure for kids unruly, disrespectful behavior than the secrets in that book) and in Have a New Husband by Friday (watch marriageseven those destined for divorce courtstransform in just five days). Now, voila! A five-day action plan that will change your life.
If you dont want to change your life, put this book back on the shelf now. Otherwise youll just be adding it to your stack of other self-help books for kindling on a cold evening.
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