
Project Management Professional Exam
Review Guide
Third Edition

Kim Heldman
Vanina Mangano
Brett Feddersen
Senior Acquisitions Editor: Kenyon Brown
Development Editor: Alexa Murphy
Technical Editors: Brett Feddersen, Vanina Mangano, and Dan Tuuri
Production Editor: Dassi Zeidel
Copy Editor: Liz Welch
Editorial Manager: Mary Beth Wakefield
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Indexer: Ted Laux
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Cover Image: Getty Images, Inc./Jeremy Woodhouse
Copyright 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-1-119-17972-6
ISBN: 978-1-119-17974-0 (ebk.)
ISBN: 978-1-119-17973-3 (ebk.)
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To BB, my forever love.
Kim Heldman
To Al Smith Jr., whose support and encouragement have given me the ability to do greater things.
Vanina Mangano
To April, Kayla, Marcus, and Adric, the light and joy of my life.
Brett Feddersen
I'd like to thank Vanina and Brett for an outstanding job writing this book. They were both lifesavers and bore the brunt of the work. I enjoyed seeing how they gave the content a fresh face, and their illustrations are terrific. I appreciate the diligence and the new ideas that Vanina brings to these projects. Brett's insights were a great contribution to this edition as well. He is a true friend and an outstanding leader. As always, it was a great pleasure to work with Vanina and Brett.
I also echo Vanina's thanks to Kenyon Brown, senior acquisitions editor, for the opportunity to update this book.
I also want to thank Neil Edde, former vice president and publisher at Sybex, for taking that leap of faith on a crazy project management study guide idea way back when. Thanks, Neil.
Alexa Murphy, development editor, is the best. She had some great suggestions that improved the content and kept us on track with deadlines just like a seasoned project manager.
A very big thanks goes to all of the instructors who use my books in their classrooms. I appreciate you choosing Sybex and my books to help your students master PMP concepts. Thank you also to all of the readers who choose this book to help them study for the PMP exam.
Kim Heldman
To start, thank you to the team at Sybex who devoted a great deal of effort toward making this review guide come together successfully. It is incredible to see the amount of teamwork and effort that goes into the making of a book. The process is certainly thorough, and there are many people not named here who were key to producing a solid product. Once again, thanks to all of you!
I'd like to thank Kim Heldman for the opportunity of working together once again on this book. Kim's warm, positive, and dynamic nature always make her a pleasure to engage with. I'd also like to give a special, heartfelt thanks to Brett Feddersen. Brett worked tirelessly to produce a great product and always had the reader in mind. Not only was Brett's positive attitude and outlook contagious, but he made the process fun, collaborative, and memorable.
Thank you to Kenyon Brown, our senior acquisitions editor, who saw the value of updating this book and whose great and supportive personality always comes through on the phone and in email. I appreciate you welcoming me back to the Sybex family!
A tremendous thank-you to Alexa Murphy, development editor. With your guidance and feedback, we were able to take this book to the next level, and I am thrilled with the result! You ensured that everything stayed on course, and your recommendations were valuable and instrumental in creating this finished product. It was absolutely wonderful having an opportunity to work with you once again.
A special thanks to the individuals who are such a big part of my life and who have always influenced me in a magnificent way. This includes my family, Nicolas Mangano, Marysil Mangano, Nicolas Mangano Jr., Carina Moncrief and her husband, Jonathan Moncrief; and my beautiful nieces, Kaylee, Alyssa, Yasmin, and Riannayou mean everything to me! Thank you to Al Smith Jr., who is supportive and an inspiration to meI enjoy all of our adventures and accomplishments together! And finally, thank you to Roshoud Brown, who always encouraged me to write and inspired me with his own words.
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