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Tacy - The Wannabe Spaniard Cookbook: The Basic Spanish Food Cookbook to Get You Saying Hola

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The Wannabe Spaniard Cookbook: The Basic Spanish Food Cookbook to Get You Saying Hola: summary, description and annotation

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A lot of things come to mind when you think of a Spanish cookbook. Nope, this isnt a cookbook in Spanish or a Mexican food cookbook, and those are entirely different from this. With The Wannabe Spaniard Cookbook, were going to teach you the ins and outs of Spains most delicious dishes from your kitchen! If you want to travel to Madrid or Barcelona as part of the experience, by all means, but weve written this cookbook, so you dont have to. With easy recipes for all-level cooks, youll be learning much more than tapas and paella. Youll be submerging yourself in Spanish culture through its unique cuisine, and more than one recipe in here will probably have you speaking Spanish as you cook. So, join us because our 25-recipe journey is just starting!

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The Wannabe Spaniard Cookbook
The Basic Spanish Food Cookbook to Get You Saying "Hola"
By: Layla Tacy
Copyright 2021 by Layla Tacy License Notes The content of this publication - photo 1
Copyright 2021 by Layla Tacy
License Notes The content of this publication is protected by national and - photo 2
License Notes
The content of this publication is protected by national and international copyright laws. Hence, you may not reproduce, edit, copy, print, or distribute any part of it, except with express permission of the author.
The author also reserves the right not to be liable for any inference, assumption, or misinterpretation which might lead to any form of damage.
Thank You Page Wow I am so glad at the massive show of love that you all - photo 3
Thank You Page
Wow I am so glad at the massive show of love that you all have shown me by - photo 4
Wow!! I am so glad at the massive show of love that you all have shown me by going out of your way to download my book. This means so much to me, and there is no better way to show my gratitude than to gift you all!!!
So, to show my thanks, I will be giving you discounts and giveaways altogether. Hence, I will be sending you notifications on how to claim your giveaway prizes and discounts.
Be rest assured that I wont spam your emails with irrelevant notifications, hence dont hesitate to fill the subscription box below.
Table of Contents Introduction Like it or not we know you probably dont - photo 5
Table of Contents
Like it or not we know you probably dont know much about Spanish cuisine other - photo 6
Like it or not, we know you probably dont know much about Spanish cuisine other than tapas and paella, perhaps some wine, but thats why youre here, right? With our help, youll learn everything you need to know about one of the best cuisines in the world in 25 easy recipes you can make at home for a delicious breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Whether youre by yourself or wanting to impress your friends and family, were confident these recipes are everything you need to come off as a true international foodie, so lets get started!
The first thing we need you to do, though, forgets about tapas and paella. Sure, theyre nice and all, but everyones heard of them. If you want to make an impression, youve got to think outside the box and immerse yourself in their cuisine and all of their ingredients. Fortunately, they wont be hard to find because most grocery stores carry all sorts of spices. You dont need to start stressing out. We promise weve made sure our recipes use the most basic ingredients so that all-level cooks can complete our recipes without the need to splurge at a deli-store for a bunch of expensive ones and imported ingredients. Hence, the Wannabe is in the name of this book. We know youre trying to be a Spaniard, but you may have to substitute a few things here and there, like your bone structure, heritage, and a few spices. But its nothing too drastic, right?
So, what are we making today? Wed actually like to start the day with some Corn Kernel Patties and a Spanish Panini, please. By lunchtime, we were also hoping to have some Spanish Rice with Sausages. And for dinner, the Beef Casserole with Onions. Oh, and some Milk Rice Pudding for dessert! We know youre not a restaurant, but we figured you needed to get started somewhere, right? Besides, if were not the ones pushing you to cook, who will? Oh, your friends! Did we forget to mention we invited them over for lunch tomorrow? That means you still have a bit of time to practice some of these recipes for when they arrive. You need to impress them because we raved about your cooking skills over the phone. No pressure, and good luck!
Breakfast Recipes
Corn Kernel Patties
Duration 15 minutes Makes 2 to 3 The best recipe of corn kernel which you - photo 7
Duration: 15 minutes
Makes: 2 to 3
The best recipe of corn kernel, which you will surely love, so do not miss out on this one!
List of Ingredients:
  • Corn kernels 2 cups
  • Sugar 2 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Butter 2 tablespoons
  • White cheese to serve
1. Add butter into the pan.
2. Mix corn kernels, sugar, and salt into the bowl.
3. Make patties in equal sizes.
4. Place the patties on the panCook for 15 minutes on both sides.
5. When ready, serve with white cheese over it!
Codfish Fried Balls
Duration 15 minutes Makes 2 to 3 Try the delicious codfish fried balls and - photo 8
Duration: 15 minutes
Makes: 2 to 3
Try the delicious codfish fried balls, and you will love the taste for sure!
List of Ingredients:
  • Codfish 1 lb.., chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Bay leaf 1
  • Oil for frying
  • Onion 1, chopped
  • Garlic clove 1, minced
  • Red bell pepper 1, chopped
  • Cilantro 1 cup, chopped
  • Milk 2 tablespoons
  • Eggs 2
  • Breadcrumbs 1 cup
  • Flour (all-purpose) 1 cup
1. Heat oil into the frying pan on low heat.
2. Mix codfish, bay leaf, onion, garlic cloves, and red bell pepper with salt and pepper.
3. Make small round balls or patties out of the mixture. Set aside.
4. Mix milk, eggs, and flour into the bowl.
5. Dip the fish balls into the batter and then into the breadcrumbs.
6. Place the balls into the pan. Cook for 15 minutes.
7. When ready, garnish cilantro to serve!
Carrot and Beet Salad
Duration 10 minutes Makes 2 to 3 Try this simple and delicious beet recipe - photo 9
Duration: 10 minutes
Makes: 2 to 3
Try this simple and delicious beet recipe to enjoy your lunch today!
List of Ingredients:
  • Carrots 3, sliced
  • Beets 3, sliced
  • White onion 2, sliced
  • Cilantro 1 cup, chopped
  • Oil 2 tablespoons
  • White vinegar 1 tablespoon
  • Lime juice 1 tablespoon
  • Ground cumin 1 tablespoon
  • Salt and pepper to taste
1. Add oil into the pan on low heat.
2. Mix carrots, beet, and white vinegar. Cook for 10 minutes.
3. When ready, add it to the bowl.
4. Mix white onion, lime juice, ground cumin, salt, and pepper with cilantro.
5. Serve and enjoy!
Spanish Panini
Duration 10 minutes Makes 2 to 3 Easy to make for breakfast and keeps you - photo 10
Duration: 10 minutes
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