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For Will and Paige
may you always eat well.
Contents L ong strands or curly shapes.
Saucy or creamy. Robust with vegetables or tossed with seafood. There are many different ways to enjoy pasta. And its a clear dinner favorite for busy folks all over because pasta is so easy to cook. But what if it could be even easier? One pot. One single pot.
Thats all you need to make the 50 recipes for pasta in this cookbook. From cheesy pastas to ones bursting with seafood, the recipes in this book will delight and satisfy many different eaters. But perhaps the best part of this collection of recipes is that many can be made with satisfying, hearty ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. It doesnt get much easier than that. And thats what this cookbook is all abouteasy and flavorful recipes for pastas that will make getting dinner on the table nearly effortless. Not only are they quick, but one-pot pastas are also efficient.
Everything that goes into the pot adds to the flavor and complexity of the dish. You arent pouring excess water down the drain or using multiple pots and pans to assemble these recipes. Theres less to clean up, making the after-dinner chores easier, too. To qualify as one-pot, these recipes were developed so that all of the cooking is done in just one pot or pan from start to finish. Theres no draining of the cooking liquid or cooking done separately from that one pot. For this reason, youll find two cooking methods in this book.
The first method is the All-in-One method, which calls for all the ingredients to be added to the pot at the same time. When the pasta is tender, in some recipes you might stir in herbs, cheese, or other flavor enhancers to finish it off, but thats it. These pastas are super easy and quick to make. The second method is the Step-by-Step method, in which the dish is cooked in stages. For instance, there are a few chicken pastas where you saut the chicken first then remove it from the pot while you cook the other ingredients. The chicken is then added back to the pot, along with other flavor enhancers, after the pasta has cooked to ensure that you dont overcook the chicken.
These recipes may take a little longer with the added steps, but they are still pretty darn easy.
Of course, families cannot live by pasta alone. Thats why the bonus chapter filled with additional recipes for salads and sides is so handy. These dishes were created for pairing with pastas and are great complements for the dishes in this book. My hope is not only that you try and love several of my recipes but also that once you see the process, you can venture out and create your own one-pot pasta dishes with your favorite mixture of ingredients by following the Make It Your Own chart () as well. As a busy single mother to two kids in middle school, time is something I dont have a lot of.
My children have sports practices, rehearsals, lessons, and homework filling their calendars and mine. I also have my full-time day job as an editor, my side hustle as the writer behind a food blog and freelance clients, and my work as a college instructor. My family and I know busy. But we also make a point to have dinner together nearly every night. Its important time as a family, time where we catch up on our days and check in with one another. To make family dinners happen on busy nights, though, quick and easy recipes like the ones in this book are essential.
I hope you love the recipes in this book as much as my family does. Enjoy!
You worked all day. The kids had practices and clubs and lessons. Everyone is finally arriving home, hungry and tired, asking Whats for dinner? Oh, that dreaded question. But it doesnt have to be. With easy recipes for one-pot pastas, you can be armed with a cache of dinners that cook in minutes and satisfy even the pickiest of palates.
Grab a good pot with a tight-fitting lid, and lets get started. THE FORMULA This book includes 50 tried-and-true recipes for one-pot pastas. They are a great place to start. But if you want to try your own take on one-pot pasta, theres a pretty simple formula to follow. If you have some or all of the following ingredients in your kitchen, youll be able to start making your own one-pot pasta creations right away: PASTA (8 OUNCES)
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