Parenting Teens With Love:Applying The Effective Parenting Styles and Tips for Teens in the21st Century! [Expanded Edition]
By Monica Davis
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2014 by MonicaDavis
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Table ofContents
Let me start this way, as Irefer to Wikipedia for more information on this raging issue in contemporaryfamilies, that has almost turn most home to a battle zone! Yes, Iam talking about the teens issue, and I am in no doubt that you areaware of this same challenge that is giving many parents sleeplessnight and to be frank with you, many of this young adults found inthis age bracket are also having a running battle explaining whatis going on within them.
Now, I remember this sameage group we readily call teens age is also known as Adolescence,a word derived from a Latin word, adolescere , which means "to growup"; well, this same word is defined as a transitional stage ofphysical and psychological human development that generally occursduring the period from puberty to legal adulthood or the age ofmajority.
The period of adolescenceis most closely associated with the teenage years, though itsphysical, psychological and cultural expressions may begin earlierand end later.
For example, althoughpuberty has been historically associated with the onset ofadolescent development, it now typically begins prior to theteenage years and there has been a normative shift of it occurringin preadolescence, particularly in females.
Physical growth, asdistinct from puberty (particularly in males), and cognitivedevelopment generally seen in adolescence, can also extend into theearly twenties. Thus chronological age provides only a rough markerof adolescence, and scholars have found it difficult to agree upona precise definition of adolescence.
Well, that been as it maybe, I have heard it many times without number how challenging it isto deal with or should I say handling the toddlers can be. But, Ibeg to say it here and now, that handling teenagers is even morechallenging. Yes, just ask any parent who has had the benefit toraise them and you will agree with me. Fair enough, I know myself,because I am a parent too.
I know all and sundrywarns us about the terrible twos, but a kid does not match thetrouble caused once they hit the terrible teens. Okay, I am nothere to scare you no, not at all, you just have to understand thatyour precious kids changed from idolizing your every move toleaving you behind, and moved on!
Yes, at this stage oftheir development, you discover that, everything is suddenly aboutthem - their friends, their mobile phone, their Facebook, and whathave you. But, I must confess here also, that most parentsresponse is not helping the matter either, as they respond bypreaching, nagging and threatening, often causing teens to feelless respected and become insolent or withdrawn altogether. It is anever ending cycle. Notwithstanding the fact that it isimpracticable to avoid the challenge, but I know you can make thechallenge smoother with communication.
Now, if you are a parentof any teen for that matter, you already know that the adolescentyears are unsurprisingly a time of conflict for parents andteenagers. Yes, this is the period when these children grow into adistinct person.
I mean, you have to cometo the term that, at this stage of their life, teens naturallystart to pull away, so they can make decisions independent of thepattern their parents expect. The truth is that, this stage is atime of self-discovery for the teens and at the same time can be anightmare period for parents.
Well, it is also true thatduring these important formative years, we parents want to makesure our kids maintain the values we worked hard to instill,however, as a parent; you have to be diplomatic on how you go aboutit. You dont have to push things all to the point they getirritated, you have to apply wisdom even when you have to maintaindiscipline in the home.
The reason is notfarfetched, you need to understand the fact that teenagersnaturally resist and argue in an attempt to assert their formingbeliefs. In reality, when parents dont manage this phase properly,the bumpy interaction between parents and teenagers often creates atime of confusion in the family.
However, in this book Iwill be exposing concrete tips that are guaranteed to help you inthe challenge of parenting your teen(s).
Understanding the A ttitude of T ee nagers
An attitude is anexpression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, orevent (the attitude object). Prominent psychologist Gordon Allportonce described attitudes "the most distinctive and indispensableconcept in contemporary social psychology." - Wikipedia
But Charles Swindoll,writing on the importance of attitude said "The longer I live, themore I realize the impact of attitude on life."
He also said, "Attitude,to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than thepast, than education, than money, than circumstances, thanfailures, than successes, than what other people think or say ordo. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. Itwill make or break a company... a church... a home."
He added, that "Theremarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding theattitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...and we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certainway.
We cannot change theinevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string wehave, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10%what happens to me and 90% how I react to it."
And so it is with you asparents... what I am saying is that we are in charge of ourattitudes and as a matter of fact, we need to understand ourteenagers and respond to them appropriately. Yes, dont allow theirantics get to you that you lose your cool to respond in a way thatonly aggravate the issue and not solve it.
Therefore, as a parent,the best ways to win the battle posed by your teenage childs newdevelopment is by understanding the way the teens reason. Yes,there are some dramatic changes in your childs behavior and inreality they are red flags or signs that they have crossed into theteen years.
However, you dont need topanic but you need to understand, that as teenagers they willstart to see the world in a whole new light as they begin to thinkmore logically and in some cases abstractly!
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