Being single, this book encouraged me greatly and helped me realize how loved I am by God. Jeff and Alyssa are so personal, which allowed me to relate to their experiences and hold tight to what God says about my own sexuality.
Sarah, college student, single
We are starting our fortieth year of marriage and wholeheartedly can recommend this book to married couples, young and old.
Bob and Dani, married thirty-nine years
As someone whose marriage did not last, this was the most encouraging relationship book Ive ever read. Jeff and Alyssa share insightful reflections and powerful truths they learned as they unpacked the baggage they brought with them into marriage. No matter your upbringing, spiritual journey, or relationship status, Love That Lasts has something for everyone.
Leslie, middle school teacher, single
We wish we had this book when we were newly married! Its so refreshing to read a relationship book from a couple who is in the thick of it. Love That Lasts is full of transparency and truth. Jeff and Alyssa are navigating marriage with love and grace and growth and will encourage you to do the same.
Nate and Jenna, married ten years
From beginning to end, this book offers encouragement and insight into relationships in a refreshing and easy to understand way. We believe there is something for everyone in this book!
Tyler and Bailey, dating for four years
Our own journey included an amazing first year of marriage filled with excitement that was quickly overshadowed by multiple negative pregnancy tests. After two failed IVF cycles, while in medical residency working eighty-plus hours, we are finally finishing this chapter of our lives. Love That Lasts is like a map guiding us through those times, shedding light on so much darkness, and pointing us toward a brighter future and oneness.
Kevin and Lauren, married four years and soon to be parents!
It is so refreshing and encouraging to read Jeff and Alyssas story. They are real and honest, and through their vulnerability I found healinghealing from my fears and from my doubts that there can be such a thing as a God-centered, healthy marriage. Everyone, no matter what stage of a relationship theyre in (or even if theyre single like me), needs to read this story of healing, redemption, and love that lasts.
Cara, college student, single
The Bethkes combine honest storytelling and teaching so skillfully, allowing readers to instantly relate. You will walk away inspired and encouraged to find lasting love in your own life.
Jeff, young professional, single, ready to mingle
Regardless of our experiences we have baggage to unpack and wounds to heal, but we were made for so much more than something temporary, we were made for a love that lasts.
Rebekah Harmon, married three years, age forty-two
Jeff and Alyssa invite us into the detail of their lives with total humility and generosity! The telling of their individual pasts and marriage story is configured with fundamental biblical truth that illuminates Gods design for romantic relationships. This book uncovers brokenness as our reality but redirects us toward freedom and renewal in Christan encouraging read for young people (and old!).
Keri Scholte, UCLA college student
This book offers important insight into Gods plan for our relationships. In Ephesians 2:10, Paul reminds us that we are Gods handiwork, created to do good works which He has prepared for us to do. Love That Lasts reminds us that our relationships are an important part of that larger plan.
Alek Ball, masters student
A wonderful and personal look at marriage for those who are starting the journey. Our takeaway from the book, and thirty-nine years of marriage, is to realize that if you think marriage is what you make it, you are wrong. A marriage governed by the love of Jesus is what makes you into a strong and emotionally happy couple. And it becomes the biggest blessing possible this side of heaven. Read and believe.
Jay and Patti Salevan, married thirty-nine years
I cant believe how much I related to Jeff and Alyssa as I read through their love story. Love That Lasts demonstrates grace in dating and in marriage. My teenage children will certainly benefit from reading about the trials they faced in college and dating.
Paige, married twenty-three years
![Love That Lasts How We Discovered Gods Better Way for Love Dating Marriage and Sex - image 2](/uploads/posts/book/106744/images/copy.jpg)
2017 by Jefferson Bethke and Alyssa Bethke
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Epub Edition September 2017 ISBN 9780718039196
ISBN 9780-7180-3919-6 (eBook)
ISBN 9780-7180-3918-9 (TP)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017937058
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To Kinsley & Kannon
While our love is imperfect,
We hope, through our picture, you come to know
The One who is.
Love, Mom and Dad
Alyssa and I received a message from a woman on Facebook the other day. She shared with us that her friendsa husband and wifehad recently completed our 31 Day Challenge series. They had been on the brink of divorce and, as a last-ditch effort, decided to read our devotionals, 31 Days to Love & Encourage Him and the complementary book 31 Days to Love & Encourage Her. By an act of Gods grace, the friend recounted, through those everyday challenges to serve and love your spouse, they started to love each other again.
Then her message continued:
On September 13, the wife wrote her husband a love letter (which was the challenge for that day) and then she went upstairs to get in bed with him. She woke him up to tell him she had a surprise for him in the morning (this was at 2:00 a.m.) and then asked him if she could hold him. At 4:00 a.m. she accidentally woke him up and said, Honey, Im so sorry for waking you up. He said, Honey, Im used to it, I love you, goodnight. The next morning he woke up, and she had passed in her sleep.