2 Books In 1:
Powerful Brain Training to Burn Fat Fast and
Naturally. Stop Cravings, Calorie Blast.
Hypnotic Gastric Band for Long-Term Results
by Jamie Deep
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Table of Contents
Unlock the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Burn Fat Fast and Naturally.
by Jamie Deep
B eing fit doesn't mean conforming to a predefined beauty pattern or to a number on the scale. Physical fitness corresponds more generally to your well-being, both physical and mental.
There is no ideal weight, but there is YOUR ideal weight.
If you are struggling to reach your weight goals or if you get good results that systematically disappear in short time, this book will show you why this happens and an effective way to overcome this problem once and for all.
In the following pages you will find out where the cause of failure of diets and exercises is and you will be introduced to a powerful and safe technique to take control of your body and mind: hypnosis.
Hypnosis is well-defined as a state of realization that involves increased reflection and thoughtfulness while undergoing a diminished sentience of your environs.
Hypnosis works by manipulating the subconscious brain and telling the person specifically that the behavior is incorrect. The hypnotists try to force the person into a trance and then interact with the subconscious brain.
Hypnotists try to use hypnosis scripts to let someone leave certain habits by feeding the script to their subconscious brain. Nevertheless, the person under the hypnotic influence must allow the hypnotizer to communicate with his subconscious brain in order for hypnosis to work.
Once you establish your goals, the hypnotist will help you calm and enter a state of hypnosis. When you are hypnotized, you answer favorably to suggestions, which will in turn help you achieve your aim.
Heres the news: you can set your weight goals and achieve them through hypnosis even without the help of a hypnotist.
Understanding your mind and providing it with the correct instructions you can change your behavior and keep your results for years or even decades.
Lets start your beautiful journey, shall we?
Before attempting to apply hypnosis, it is necessary to understand how it works. I'm going to explain the processes involved concisely.
To understand hypnosis, you have to think about the mind as divided into two parts: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is what governs all of our current thinking and behavior. When you think about things in an analytical or critical way, you need to use your conscious mind. Consciousness is a part of your mind that knows you are sitting behind a computer and reading a book. Simply put, everything you consciously know about is stored in your consciousness.
The subconscious portion of our mind stores most of our memory and it is the part where most of our thoughts take place. (it is believed that our subconscious comprises well over 80% of our consciousness). Any skills that you learn and execute automatically, without the need for conscious thought, are stored in your subconscious. You are likely to remember how difficult it was to read and write when you were a child, or how difficult it was to learn how to drive a motor vehicle for the first time, but with experience, your subconscious learns from the feedback that your consciousness receives. You dont need to consciously think about the meaning of certain words or letters, because your subconscious automatically associates words with meanings because of your learned behavior.
The thing about our subconscious is that we are not aware of the thoughts that are taking place within it. If we were mindful of the feelings, they would no longer be subconscious thoughts, but conscious thoughts. It is part of the reasons people often don't remember being hypnotized. The deeper we fall into hypnosis, the more we dive into our subconscious, the more we forget.
The Hidden Power of Your Mind
Y our mind plays a critical role in helping you get healthy, get in shape, and stay that way. Your account is so vital that if you cant get your mind to cooperate with your body, you could be seriously undermining your chances of improving your overall health and wellbeing. Often getting your head in line with your body is dependent on being able to make the most of your internal programming mechanism. In other words, what you tell yourself is vital to achieving anything you want. This self-talk can make, or break, your chances of becoming who you want to be. The conscious mind is in charge of things you engage in consciously. However, the actions you take and every decision you make in life are under the control of the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is similar to that attic in your house that stores every little or big thing you have picked up in life, that you have thought you would use far along, or that you have always had. Your subconscious mind stores all the information you have picked up in life and all the memories you have made, even those you would struggle to recall consciously.