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Kathy Andrews - Mom wants golden showers

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Kathy Andrews Mom wants golden showers CHAPTER ONE Janet was confused After - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

Mom wants golden showers


Janet was confused.

After years of living alone, she now had the twins with her. She wasn't accustomed to the noise they made, the sudden burst of giggles from Shari, or the teasing laughter of her brother, Barry. She wasn't used to the racing and wrestling in the house. She wasn't used to reminding them to take their baths at night, or checking their clothing, or doing so much laundry, or preparing so much food.

Most of all, Janet wasn't accustomed to the lack of modesty her twins showed. She had been shocked to find they thought nothing of using the bathroom, either bathing or taking a piss, with the door left wide open. She was shocked at the words they sometimes used, words like shit, cocksucker, motherfucker.

Janet couldn't deal with it.

She couldn't even talk to her twins about their behavior.

She was too embarrassed.

All her life, Janet had been passive, obliging those stronger than herself. She wasn't meek, but she was simply a woman that took joy in pleasing others. She was quiet, often times exhibiting a shyness that was somewhat deceptive. Her shyness was an attractive aspect of her personality, but beneath it was a smoldering passion.

Yet, Janet's passion was a problem, too.

She could not be the aggressor. She required leading, being told, and perhaps even forced. In that way, Janet could justify her raging, lusty hungers. Janet knew she was lying to herself, but no one else did. She wanted to be aggressive, to reach out and take what passion, what erotic pleasures others seemed to accept so easily, but she just couldn't do it. She was ashamed of the bubbling hungers in her body, of her burning, demanding cunt.

Her passive nature had lost the twins for her when her husband divorced her. She simply could not fight for them, not in public. She gave in too easily, and her ex-husband had used that to gain the twins. Now, he was dead, and she had them.

But she didn't know what to do with them. They had been with her only a week, and Janet had walked past the bathroom when her son was climbing into the shower, and she had seen his body. She had seen his ass and his cock and balls.

As Barry slid the shower doors closed, he had glanced at her unconcerned.

Now Janet was trying to concentrate on knitting, but the blare of the television was making her head ache. Shari and Barry were sitting on the floor, absorbed in the stupid game show, with grown men and women jumping up and down and screaming like a crowd of idiots. She never could understand how anyone could become so excited over winning a little money.

Putting her knitting aside, Janet massaged her temples, wishing she could simply turn the television off. Shari and Barry were dressed for bed.

Barry wore pajamas, and Shari had on a baby doll gown that Janet considered a bit too revealing. She could see the way Shari was leaning over, her elbows on her knees, her chin in her hand. And she could see how the top of her skimpy garment fell away from her chest. She could see a pink nipple there, and so could Barry.

Janet could not resist a peek at the front of her son's pajamas. But even as she glanced there, a flush crept over her face. She was sure that his cock was outlined, but then again, it could be her imagination. She was having trouble with her imagination lately. She thought she had seen her son's cock very hard inside his pants earlier that evening. She thought she had seen Shari brush the back of her hand over his crotch, thought she had heard a lewd giggle her daughter made at the brief touch.

Crossing her legs, Janet folded her arms beneath her tits and tried to see what was so interesting about grown men and women in strange costumes jumping about and screeching at something the show's host had said.

A movement drew her gaze back to the twins.

She turned toward them. She saw Shari's small hand on her brother's knee, and it was moving, caressing slowly. She noticed her son responding to the touch by his sister, his cock was clearly outlined inside his thin pajama.

Janet's breath caught in her throat, and she couldn't speak. She could only sit there and watch the display of erotic touching between her twins. She stared at Shari's hand sliding along her twin brother's thigh. Janet stared as if mesmerized, unable to move. She saw Barry lean close to his sister and whisper to her. Whatever it was Barry said, Shari giggled and quickly darted her hand to his cock.

Janet swallowed her gasp of surprise.

Shari closed her fingers about her brother's cock, feeling through his pajamas, playing with his prick, stroking it. Janet could hardly believe what she was seeing. She felt as if she should say something, let them know she could see what they were doing, tell them to stop.

Shari was moving her little hand on Barry's cock, actually jacking him, Janet saw. Janet's eyes became wide, but they became glassy, too. She didn't want it, but she was reacting to what she was watching. Her tits swelled up tightly, her nipples throbbing with stiffness, and her cunt started to pulsate in the crotch of her panties.

Janet was hardly aware that she was rocking her crossed foot, the rhythmic ripples of her inner thighs caressing her cunt. She was only aware of what she was seeing, what she was feeling.

As if they were alone, Shari slipped her hand into the waist of her brother's pajamas, and it was obvious to Janet that Shari was holding his cock, perhaps squeezing it, stroking it. Both Shari and Barry kept their eyes on the television though, as if they weren't doing anything except watching the program.

Janet wondered how her daughter could do something like that, with her sitting on the couch, in the room with them. How could such a sweet, lovely little girl be so blatant? How long had they been doing that? Did her ex-husband know? Did her ex-husband teach them, do it with them? Did he allow such a wicked thing?

Janet gazed with fixed eyes at her son's crotch, watching Shari's hand move. Barry was breathing faster, and Shari pumped faster. Now and then, Shari would look down at her brother's lap, too, her eyes shining brightly. The shoulder of her baby doll gown had fallen to her upper arm, and her small, sugary tit was exposed.

Janet's foot rocked faster, her cunt very juicy now, making the crotch of her nylon panties very wet. Her cunt had not been so wet in a very long time. She had not felt the sensations of that delicious, pulsating heat in along time. Her clit was inflamed, itching, throbbing.

Moisture was forming on Barry's pajamas where the head of his cock pressed. Janet could see it become a larger circle, see Shari's little fist pump up and down, jerking on Barry's cock.

Janet's tits rose and fell as she fought to keep her breathing even and quiet. Her eyes stared with moist heat, her lips parted.

Before Barry came, Shari slipped her hand from his pajamas, her bright eyes glancing into her brother's. They had passed a silent message to each other, and they stood. Neither looked at Janet as they started from the room. Janet saw her son's cock shoved hard against the front of his pajamas, and she noticed they were holding hands as they walked. The hem of Shari's baby doll didn't quite cover the ruffled, little-girl panties on her small ass.

Sensing the twins were leaving the room out of excitement, Janet sat on the couch, her body shaking, all kinds of ideas running through her mind. She waited as her cunt throbbed, and decided she had to see what they were up to. But Janet knew that no matter what it was, she would be unable to say anything to them.

Her legs trembled as she stood up. She felt nervous, apprehensive, unsure of herself. She walked quietly down the hall, and just as she suspected, Shari and Barry were in his room, and they had not bothered to close the door. They were so confident, and Janet couldn't understand why.

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