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Kathy Andrews - Eager little sister

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Kathy Andrews

Eager little sister


Judy Stone stood on the second floor landing, looking down over the crowd of boys and girls as they ate lunch.

It was a lovely, warm spring day, and most of the students chose to eat outside in the student center. Somehow, Judy was not hungry, and her lunch remained in her locker. She had not been very hungry the past few days. Her mind had been and still was on other things, more exciting things.

Beneath her were two boys, two boys she had seen only a few days ago. She knew them, of course. One of them she knew very, very well. Their names were Robert Mason and Rick. Rick was Judy's brother. He was only a year older than her, but always seemed to know so much more. Not that he was wise or anything like that. He just seemed to know the answers to things she didn't.

Judy idolized Rick. She loved him deeply and there was nothing she wouldn't do for him. Fortunately, her brother never took advantage of her worship. That is, he didn't in some derogatory manner. He had always treated her nicely, never arguing with her. And Judy was somewhat jealous of his popularity with girls.

She had always been jealous of him, wanting him to herself, but she knew that that could never be. She wondered about her feelings for him often, and she felt it could be wrong. But wrong or not, she could not deny her feelings. All she could do was conceal them.

Judy did not know Rick and Robert, his best friend, were underneath the stairs where she stood. And she was not really seeing the boys and girls below. Her eyes were open, but they held a vacant expression. It was what was in her mind that caused this vacant expression.

Not quite a week ago, after school was out, she had almost stumbled upon Robert and Rick as she walked past the dumpsters in the back of the school grounds. She had not seen them in the beginning, only heard voices. At first the voices made no sense to her, then a few words came loud and clear.

"pussy," she heard.

For a moment, startled, she didn't under stand. The next word she heard caused her to gasp with full understanding. Fucking!

Judy stopped in her tracks. A warm flush spread over her face, a flush of embarrassment. She glanced about but saw no one. Wondering where the voice came from, she glanced at the trash receptacles. They were pulled perhaps three or four feet away from the wall of the building, and garbled whispers came from that direction.

Stepping closer, she strained her ears.

"Do you really like to touch me?" she heard a feminine voice say.

The reply was a simple grunt.

Curious, with a strange excitement bubbling inside her slender body, Judy moved close enough to peer around the edge of a container. Her breath caught, and she shoved a small fist to her mouth to choke back the startled gasp.

Leaning against the wall of the building was a girl she knew slightly. The girl was about her age, perhaps a few months younger. Her name was Susan. She was a very pretty little girl, with golden hair that was usually worn in twin ponytails. However, the girl had always seemed extremely shy with others. Right now, though, she wasn't at all shy.

Susan was leaning against the building, holding her skirt about her waist. She was looking down, her hips arched forward with her weight braced by her shoulders. Her feet were perhaps a foot and a half apart. Judy noticed the expression on Susan's face; it was one of intense excitement.

There were two pairs of hands feeling Susan's golden, smooth thighs. Judy could not see who the hands belonged to. With choking amazement, Judy saw one of those hands pull the crotch of Susan's panties to one side, and she stared, almost fascinated, at the almost hairless little pussy of the girl.

"See," a boy's voice came to Judy. "I told you she had hair on her pussy."

Judy looked at Susan's cunt, and then she saw the sparse hairs. They were so golden they were almost invisible.

"I bet your sister don't have hair on her pussy," the first voice said.

"Wanna bet?"

Judy's breath sucked in and her eyes popped wide. The voice was very familiar to her, and she leaned farther to peer around the container.

It was her brother!

Judy's first instinct had been to run, to get away before they caught her spying on them. But then the first boy still out of Judy's sight said: "Touch her Susan won't care if you feel it."

Judy heard her brother ask: "Can I, Susan? Can, I touch it?"

"Sure," Susan said, then giggled shyly. "I don't mind."

Judy watched her brother move a finger up and down the slightly puffy lips of Susan's pussy. There was a sudden response between her own slim thighs, a tingling sort of feeling that made her want to touch herself there. She had experienced the same feeling before, but not so strong.

She gasped as her brother's finger moved up and down the slit of Susan's cunt. She heard Susan giggle childishly, and she also saw the perceptible movement of the girl's hips.

"Let's take her panties down," Rick said, his voice strange to Judy. "Let's take her panties down, Robert."

Now Judy knew who the other boy was. Robert and Rick had been close friends for two or three years now, always together.

She watched them pull Susan's panties down, letting them dangle at her spread knees. Susan continued to maintain her posture, her hips arched forward, sweet pussy fully exposed to the two boys. The tingling sensation between Judy's thighs became very strong, and she pressed her legs together, but that only made it burn hotter than ever.

Susan giggled often, her eyes watching the boy's hands as they touched her twat. Now and then she wiggled as if they were tickling her. Judy could almost feel their fingers between her own thighs.

"I want" she heard Susan stammering with shyness in her voice. "Wanna feel better. I like it."

"I know what you want, Susan," Robert said, giving a low laugh. "You want me to do it or Rick?"

"Let Rick do it," Susan said, her face turning crimson. "I want Rick to do it. You done it before, Robert."

"What's she talking about?" Rick asked.

"She wants you to stick your finger in her pussy," Robert replied. "Go ahead she likes a finger in there."

"Are you sure?" Rick asked, doubtful. "She looks kinda little to me."

"Aw, she likes it, Rick," Robert urged. "I've had my finger up her pussy lots of times. Go on put your finger in."

Judy could hardly breathe. She was doing everything in her power to keep from dancing about. The sensation between her thighs was making her mind reel. There was a very powerful pulsation there, a throbbing feeling that was not only deep inside but also around the whole area of her crotch. It seemed to radiate outward, spreading to her shaking thighs and the cheeks of her tight, sweet little ass.

She watched her brother poke tentatively at Susan's pussy, then his finger was gone. It seemed to have simply disappeared inside the girl's pussy all the way to his knuckles.

"It sure is wet and hot," she heard her brother say in his strange voice. "Tight, too."

When Rick pulled his finger free, Judy saw the lips of Susan's cunt clinging to it, then it was out. His finger glistened wetly.

"She sure is pretty there," she heard him say. "I've never seen anything so pretty before."

Then Rick did something that caused Judy to almost fall backwards.

Rick, without a word, suddenly darted his face forward and kissed Susan's cunt.

"Oooo!" Susan giggled. "That was nice. Rick. Kiss me again there."

Rick pursed his lips and pressed them to the golden-haired twat, kissing it longer this time. When he drew back, there was the loud smacking sound of his kiss.

"Hey, that was okay!" Robert said. "I never thought about that before."

"I just wanted to kiss her," Rick said, suddenly embarrassed at what he had so impulsively done. "I don't know I just wanted to."

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