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Kathy Andrews - Hot sister all grown up

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Kathy Andrews

Hot sister all grown up


Walking angrily into her house, Linda tossed her purse onto the nearby table and sat down. Flopped down, really. Her eyes blazed with anger. She should have known it would happen sooner or later. She knew her brother better than anyone in the world.

She had just gone next door to see if he needed anything from the supermarket. She had a few things to purchase and felt she could save him a trip. She never did ask him, never got into his house. She wasn't sure if her anger was over what she saw, or if it was because he had left the door open deliberately.

Brett had been sitting on the floor, leaning back on one elbow, his legs straight out in front of him. His pants had been open and he had his big cock in his hand, pumping it. That in itself had not bothered her. Since they had been small children, her brother had often played with his cock in front of her, taunting her with it, teasing her until Linda would squirm as she stared at it. She had seen him come off the first time and spurt out his creamy jism, splashing it onto the ground as she stared in fascination.

But that was long ago, and they were adults now. Both of them had been married and divorced. She had Frank, a beautiful son, and he had Peggy, a beautiful daughter. She had rented Brett the house next door over six months ago. It was one of a pair she had received in her divorce settlement. When her brother had needed a place to stay after his divorce, she had rented it to him, cheap. And now this!

She didn't know if Brett had seen her standing in the doorway, but she didn't think he had. She wasn't so much surprised to see her brother jacking on his cock as she had been by Frank and Peggy. Her son and niece were on the couch, and Frank had had his hand under his cousin's dress. Even that didn't really make her angry. Frank was growing up, and he had an interest in girls. She wasn't really angry to see Peggy's small hand on the front of Frank's pants. She wasn't angry to see that her son had a hard-on, although it was still inside his pants. She wasn't angry to see Peggy rubbing Frank's cock, nor was she really angry because her brother was there on the floor, watching them, his cock fully exposed.

So why was she angry?

Linda knew why.

She wasn't getting any herself.

And she wanted it, badly. All her life she had been deeply erotic, but had had to keep it bottled up inside her. Her ex-husband had had little interest in her, or any other woman that she knew of. He was satisfied to wham-bam, then turn over and start sleeping. She had never, not once, had an orgasm except that provided by her own fingers.

She had married as a virgin, even though she had grown up watching her brother jack off and had exposed herself to him many times for his pleasure. They had watched each other develop, pleased hair grew on his cock and balls and her tits had developed. Brett had touched her, but that came in high school. He had touched her tits, played with her nipples, and a number of times, felt her up. She had held his cock and cupped his balls as he jerked off, but they had never fucked. They just felt each other, and Brett would jack off, come, and that was it until the next time. It happened with them four and five times a week, and they had never been caught.

And now Brett was tip to his old tricks with his daughter and her son. What was she going to do about it?

Linda wasn't going to do anything about it. If Frank was enjoying himself and obviously he was she wasn't going to stop him. She wasn't even going to let him know she had seen them. She wasn't even going to let him know she knew anything at all about what was going on.

But she wasn't going to keep herself lonely, doing without a hard cock any longer. As she sat there, mad, she considered going back to her brother's house and telling him no, demanding that he take care of her, that after all these years, it was time he fucked her with that big cock. But Linda wouldn't do that. She wouldn't do it because her son was still there, her niece was still there.

She could catch Brett alone, when Peggy and Frank were at school, tear his pants away and fuck him whether he wanted it or not, rape his big cock, that's what she could do.

But Linda wouldn't do that, either. She would sit and think about it, torment herself, become more and more frustrated, and then she would whip her cunt into a juicy froth with her fingers until she came a hundred thousand times.

She felt her cunt responding with heat, and squeezed her thighs. A rippling thrill moved into her stomach, her mind seeing them in that house next door again. She wondered if her niece had Frank's cock out of his pants yet, running her small hand up and down it, jacking her son off while Brett sprawled on the floor, watching them, his cock about to go off.

"Fuck!" she hissed, jumping to her feet and stomping into her room.

She stood before the mirror, looking at herself. She was a lovely woman, tall and slim, with rich chestnut hair and big eyes, slightly almond-shaped. Her lips were full and moist, her neck slender. Her flesh was satiny and unblemished. Her tits thrust out with highschool girl firmness, almost pointed. Her waist was small, hips rounded. Her ass jutted out in shapely curves, and her thighs and legs were very long and straight.

She pulled her blouse off, watching her tits. Her nipples were light-tan in color, stiff and peaked, pointing upward in desire. She caressed her tits for a moment, circling her sensitive nipples with the tip of her finger, watching them respond with a greater hardness.

Without her knowing, Frank had come home. He stood now watching her, his eyes enormous. The angle of the mirror prevented Linda from seeing him behind her, but her son could see her naked tits clearly. His cock bulged inside his pants, outlined in throbbing hardness. He watched his mother cup her tits, squeeze her fingers into them, making her succulent nipples stand out firmly.

Thinking she was alone, Linda gazed at her reflected tits, licking her wet tongue back and forth over her lips. Lifting one tit, she lowered her chin, her tongue came out, very long, and she caressed her nipple with it, a soft moan of pleasure bubbling from her. Her ass swayed with a subtle movement, and she clenched her asscheeks tightly as her tongue moved slowly about her rigid nipple, her eyes watching herself.

Frank fought to keep his breathing down, panting as quietly as he could, staring at his mother. He was so excited, his balls hurt.

Linda released her tits, slipping her hands to the small of her back, pulling the zipper of her skirt. When her skirt pooled at her high-heeled feet, she stood almost naked. Her black garter belt was snapped to her flesh-colored nylons, and the tiny panties, also black, hardly concealed her ass.

Frank almost strangled as he swallowed convulsively. He stared at his mother's back hotly, seeing the swell of her ass inside the tight panties, her lower asscheeks showing where they met her thighs. He stared long and hard at his mother's ass, then as if remembering, glanced into the mirror.

Linda was running her hands up and down her flat stomach, tracing the tiny triangle of her panties. The bushy hair of her cunt mounded her panties out deliciously, and she stiffened one finger, sliding it toward the slit of her cunt. She moaned softly as she rubbed her finger up and down, feeling the slit of her cunt with light touches. Her ass twisted and clenched, and her eyes became glassy as she stimulated her cunt.

Frank's cock pushed in painful hardness at his pants, his balls very tight. He tried to place his palm on his hidden balls, but the touch on them only caused a more throbbing pain. He could feel his cock dripping against his shorts, and he wanted to yank it out and pound it swiftly as he watched his mother, but he was afraid the slightest noise would make her stop.

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