Table of Contents
Anger Management For Dummies
by Gillian Bloxham and W. Doyle Gentry, PhD
Anger Management For Dummies
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About the Authors
Gillian Bloxham is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. In her career, Gill has worked with adults and adolescents in GP practices, NHS clinics and hospital units, and also within the criminal justice system and secure mental health services. Her interests in anger management, self-harm and risk management arise from working with adults with complex psychological difficulties, including those with interpersonal difficulties and those surviving childhood trauma. Gill has also been involved in developing and delivering training and workshops for many years, delivering psychological topics intended to be accessible to everyone.
W. Doyle Gentry, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and Director of the Institute for Anger-Free Living in Lynchburg, Virginia. He is a Fellow in the American Psychological Association and was the Founding Editor of the Journal of Behavioral Medicine. In Dr Gentry's four-decade career as a scientist-practitioner, he has authored over 100 publications, including eight books, and is a pioneer in the fields of health psychology, behavioural medicine and anger management. He has previously served on the faculty of Duke University Medical Center and the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston. Gentry has conducted training seminars for lay and professional audiences throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. He has also served as a consultant to major industry, where he specialises in conflict management, team building and health promotion.
From Gill: This book is for Nige Coles, warrior and true friend. Anger is an energy.
Authors' Acknowledgments
From Gill: My warm thanks to Jill Patel, currently Director at Hillingdon Mind.
My thanks are also due to the many people who have shared their struggles with anger with me, and to Elaine, Mark and Neil for their steadfast support.
From W. Doyle Gentry: I would like to thank a number of teammates' who made writing this book both possible and enjoyable. First, I am indebted - once again - to my agent, Denise Marcil, and her delightful associate, Maura Kye, for all their efforts on my behalf. I was well represented!
The folks at Wiley were fantastic. I deeply appreciate their professionalism, expertise, encouragement, and, most of all, patience during both the acquisition and editorial phases of the project. The energy and passion associated with the For Dummies series is, indeed, infectious.
And, as always, I want to thank my loving family - Catherine, Rebecca and Chris - for yet another show of support for my life's work. They never disappoint.
Basically, we are all dummies when it comes to anger management - a field that remains a work in progress. I learn more every day about ways to harness this complicated and, at times, troublesome emotion, and being able to share this education with my readers is a pleasure. If this book changes the life of a single person for the better, then I am satisfied that the hard work that went into it was worthwhile.
Publisher's Acknowledgments
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Project Editor: Rachael Chilvers
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