It never ceases to amaze me how thatpart of society involved in the dating process or the building of newrelationships always seems to screw it up somehow. In my youth I had a greatfriend who was probably the best looking guy I have ever met and had modeled inmany magazines. His wife however was a different story as her parents must havelost a bet with God, she could best be described as a cover girl for Field& Stream. They were however, perhaps the happiest couple I had ever met.The point Im trying to make is that there is more to dating and relationshipsthan merely looks. For a relationship to really work there needs to be somelink that not only draws two people together, but also allows their relationshipto flourish, with love, understanding and a minimal amount of gun play.
Althoughmuch of the information contained in this book is, or should be commonknowledge, the way it is presented should allow the reader to tweak out his orher social life to a point where they can obtain not only better results, but abetter understanding of the dating and relationship process as well. There alsoseems to be an overwhelming perception that those individuals who turn to theInternet and online dating sites are searching not for relationships but merelyfor no strings attached sex. Although there is a great deal of truth to thatobservation, in taking a closer look the vast majority of those who ventureinto the world of Internet dating are merely looking for someone who can bespecialfor them. The Internet allows for an incredible amount of efficient andeffective networking; for finding jobs, old and new friends and pretty much anyother specific searches you may desire. If you can search for the perfect job,then the perfect man or woman should be only few keystrokes away as well.
For thissuperior efficiency you do have to sacrifice a little, and most of thatsacrifice comes during the initial conversations taking place on line.In-person more of those little things that are unique to you can be lost, suchas subtle mannerisms and vocal patterns just to name a few. It is notimpossible to show that you have a distinctive personality or sense of humorbut it now takes a bit more creativity as words will, for a time have to do thejob that a smile or laugh used to. Without these visual or auditory cues thereleaves much open to reader interpretation, which doesnt always give the mostaccurate picture.
Onlinedating is much the same as real life dating in that each method requires yousend out an advertisement, granted one is via a personal profile and the othercan be as subtle as a smile or a polite hello, but both are conveying the factthat you are out there. The online profile will give a person much more data ina much shorter period of time thereby letting an individual market themselvesand read the profiles of many others in a fraction of the time of moretraditional dating methods. This information eventually will narrow down thepossibilities to like-minded individuals seeking similar qualities. After-alltwo people may become interested in one another and begin the dating processonly to find out in a few weeks that one is a big game hunter while the otheris a member of PETA, which more than likely would not end well. Chances arethis would have been known much more rapidly via an online dating site.
All typesof dating can be an exciting adventure and the initial meeting is just a smallpart of the process. That first meeting, whether online or in person can setthe stage for a world of wonder and happiness or it can leave scratching yourhead and wondering what the heck were you thinking! The first date, the firsttime you meet the other persons friends and family and a hundred othervariables can help you decide whether this relationship has any promise or isdoomed to go up in flames. It is our hope that some of theinformation contained in this book will not only assist you in your datingdecisions but also guide you to make the most out of any potential situation orat least avoid the need for a bail bondsman or medical professional.
Mr. and Miss Right or RightNow?
(Do you want long term or just casual, thedifference between dating and relationship?)
Ok, so you have made the decision thatyou do not want to go through life alone, but you are still not sure as to howto go about finding that special someone who will bring additional happiness toyour life. This is a common dilemma as a great many of those entering thedating scene are really not quite sure what they want. It really comes down tovarious degrees of two types of relationships; these are either casual dating,or long-term relationships. Both can alleviate that feeling of loneliness butthey can be as different as MacDonalds and a Five Star gourmet restaurant. Oneis considered fast food and a temporary pit stop along the way, with littlethought given to the choice of cuisine as there will probably be anotheropportunity on almost every other street. The other choice requires a bit morethought as you actually know what you are looking for and the restaurant youchoose may be a little harder to find and could require reservations.
Now before we go any further let usbe perfectly clear that when we talk about casual dating we are not talkingabout a string of informal or chance sexual encounters that our grandmotherstold us would ultimately lead us to hell and damnation. We are merelysuggesting not committing to any one particular person and leaving all optionson the table. Of course quite often since the sexual revolution of decadespast, and the advent of the Internet, fairly frequently casual dating does infact often turn into hot freaky monkey sex. These will provide you withmemorable escapades that are sure to bring a smile to your face once you havereached the age where a commercial publicizing prostate exams, feeling freshand senior citizen discounts actually catch your attention. Whether you aremale or female is irrelevant, as both sexes can choose not to commit to any oneperson, but instead play the field for as long as they believe its in theirbest interests.