Body Language - Impress with Apperance & Effect
Use Gestures, Mimik & Psychology, Steer Nonverbale Communication & Signals of the Body, Learn Self
Simone Janson (ed.)
Published by Best of HR -
Body language - Impress with Apperance & Effect
1st edition, 19.06.2019
2019 Publisher Simone Janson | Best of HR
Duesseldorf, Germany
Conception and editing: Simone Janson
Cover design: Canva
We are moved by the idea to make the world of work more human - without constant pressure for efficiency, stress and fear. As Publisher Best of HR - with podcast, eLearning-on-demand offers and news service we share 15 years of experience with our customers (Samsung, Otto, state institutions). By the Top20 female blogger and consultant Simone Janson, referenced in ARD, ZEIT, Wikipedia .
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Content of the book
To properly use the effect and charismatic appearance to convince other people, many wish. Body language can decisively support rhetoric. After all, anyone who knows how to use his gestures and facial expressions in a targeted manner can also use them successfully to move forward in the profession - many celebrities and politicians already make it happen.
This book offers you compact knowledge in a quick overview of the topic as well as tried-and-tested advice. It helps you to make decisions step by step, to succeed and to include numerous overviews and checklists for easy readability.
Structure of the book
It deliberately deals with different, possibly even contradictory facts of the topic. This will allow you, as a reader, to shed light on the various pros and cons of the topic, to reflect on it, and to balance each other in the event of a decision-making process.
You support the clear structure and our special, very detailed special table of contents to find the information you want quickly and as needed and implement it directly for the practice.
Finally, you will find numerous best practice tips and examples of successful managers, entrepreneurs and other exciting personalities.
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More effect and visibility: Shine through Individual personality
// By Sally Hogshead
For certain situations, your personality is tailor-made. In these situations, the most likely probability is that you create value for your employer, customer or friend.
Convince by fascination
These are the moments most likely to make you stand out. And these are the moments when you use your main assets. If you fascinate someone because you set the tone with your preferences, the person in charge of your message opens up. Then, and only then, you have the opportunity to convince.
Let's say you think you are funny. In her opinion, humor is one of your best qualities. There is only one problem: nobody finds you funny. And now?
Humor is not a vacuum
That's a problem. Humor is a two-sided affair. It's a feedback loop between you as the narrator of a joke and your audience.
Humor does not happen in a vacuum. How you see yourself is not enough. You also have to consider how the world sees you. If nobody finds you funny ... well, you probably are not funny either.
Through the eye of the beholder
Humor is in the eye of the beholder. As well as kindness, leadership and a range of other subjective qualities that are rooted in the viewer's perception. You have the right to vote, but your listener has veto power.
You may think you are adorable, but the world perceives you as a cold-hearted grudge. The connection is almost interrupted. You may consider yourself respected or independent or pragmatic, but if no one agrees, you have been unlucky.
Systematically record their impact
By looking at yourself from the outside and systematically capturing your impact on listeners, you can get better results - whether as a comedian, kindergarten teacher, or crisis negotiator.
When you understand how the world sees, hears, and responds to you, you can become more successful. It is in your power.
Ignorance does not help
You may never have thought about this question before. It could feel alien. Maybe it makes you insecure, embarrassed or even vain, as if you are looking at yourself in the mirror too long.
But if you ignore this perspective, you are falling behind. If you want your messages to be heard and remembered, if you want to communicate important ideas and opinions, you need an accurate and complete picture of how you actually communicate and how others perceive you.