
OneNote 2013 For Dummies
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About the Author
James Russell has built and repaired PCs and installed, configured, and debugged most versions of Windows from Windows 3.1.1 for Workgroups to Windows 8. He began using OneNote in its initial release more than a decade ago and has loved the app ever since. He is a longtime editor and writer of technical books for John Wiley & Sons and other publishers. His latest book prior to OneNote 2013 For Dummies is Windows 8 Kickstart for McGraw-Hill. He is currently integrating social media strategy as a career focus and was recently named by Mashable.com as one of 101 social media experts to follow on Google+. James has had significant experience with the Mozilla open-source project since Mozillas M4 milestone in 1999, having been responsible for Netscape 6s View Theme menu. He also rewrote the Linux and Windows release notes and README files for Mozillas .6 and 1.0 releases. You can find and follow James at @Kovu_ on Twitter or by looking him up by name on Facebook and Google+.
To my sister Julie Mae Donovan: Always my touchtone, Emma.
Authors Acknowledgments
First and foremost, I thank my amazing agent Carole Jelen, who pushed for me to have the chance to write a proposal for this book; and Steve Hayes, senior acquisitions editor at Wiley, for giving me extra time to prepare a proposal and for accepting said proposal. Thank you two for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to write a For Dummies book on a product I adore. Thanks are also due to Kara Berman and Melissa Dingle Hood at Waggener Edstrom Worldwide for helping me with general questions and for getting me Windows Phone screenshots. A special shout out also to Samantha Kristine for providing me with the screen shot of the Nexus 7 version of OneNote with absolutely zero notice.
Secondly, Ive been an editor and sometime writer for John Wiley & Sons since March 1999 (then IDG Books Worldwide), and I wouldnt be writing this book if it werent for a lot of IDGB/Wiley folks whove believed in me and helped me grow as an editor and as a writer over the last 14 years. Specifically, thanks are due to Leah Michael, Kyle Looper, Jodi Jensen, Kathryn Bourgoine, Jade Leah Williams, Andy Cummings, the two Marys Mary Bednarek and Mary C. Corder, Mark Enochs, Nicole Haims, Katie Feltman, Cherie Case, Melba Hopper, Sharon Mealka, and Megan Saur.
As is usually the case with writers, many people who didnt help me write the book per se still helped me survive, stay centered, and were patient with me while I wrote and midwifed the book, and those people are due nods, as well. Specifically, thanks of course to my mother, Jacquelyn Arlene Cordoza, and my late father, John Howard Russell I wouldnt be me or here to write this book without you. Thanks also to my good friends Nancy Ciarrocchi and David Youhanna for all youve both done for me.
Publishers Acknowledgments
Were proud of this book; please send us your comments at http://dummies.custhelp.com . For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002.
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Vertical Websites
Sr. Project Editor: Mark Enochs
Executive Editor: Steve Hayes
Copy Editor: Melba Hopper
Technical Editor: Sharon Mealka
Editorial Manager: Leah Michael
Vertical Websites Project Manager: Laura Moss-Hollister
Supervising Producer: Rich Graves
Vertical Websites Associate Producers: Josh Frank, Marilyn Hummel, Douglas Kuhn, Shawn Patrick
Editorial Assistant: Annie Sullivan
Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case