Also by Whee WinnLots of Jokes for KidsLots of Knock-Knock Jokes for KidsThe Super, Epic, Mega Joke Book for KidsLots of Christmas Jokes for KidsLots of Tongue Twisters for KidsLots of Jokes and Riddles Box Set ZONDERKIDZ
On the Go! Jokes for Kids Copyright 2019 by Zondervan Requests for information should be addressed to: Zonderkidz,
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Softcover ISBN 978-0-310-76950-7 Ebook ISBN 978-0-310-76951-4
Epub Edition August 2019 9780310769514 Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Introduction Looking for some fun? Want to be silly? Giggle a little? Belly laugh? Then youve come to the right place.
We have done all the work for youwe put together the perfect collection of jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, knock-knock jokes, and one-liners about things that go on the road, in the air, on the water, and all things travel. And this collection is even more special because every joke in here is good for everyone... from your best friends to your parents to your teachers. On the Go! Jokes for Kids is just the place to find good old clean and corny jokes to entertain your friends and family for hours. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. PSALM 126:2 Table of Contents
What part of a car is the laziest? The wheelsthey are always tired.
What did the tornado say to the car? Want to go for a spin?
How do fleas travel from place to place? They itch-hike.
What would you call a country where everyone who lives there has a pink car? A pink car-nation.
What would you call a country where everyone lives in their cars? An in-car-nation.
Knock, knock. Whos there?
Carl. Carl who?
Carl get you there faster than a bike.What do you say to a frog who needs a ride? Hop in!
What goes through towns and up hills but never moves? A road.
Knock, knock. Whos there?
Colin. Colin who?
Colin all cars.Knock, knock. Whos there? Colin. Colin who? Colin all cars.
Colin all cars.
Johnny was racing around the garden on his new bicycle.
He called out to his mother to watch his tricks. Look, Mom! No hands! Look, Mom! No feet! Aaah! Look, Mom! No teeth!Where do Volkswagons go when they get old? The old Volks home.
Knock, knock. Whos there?
Cargo. Cargo who?
Car go beep, beep!What do you get when a dinosaur crashes its car? Tyrannosaurus-wrecks.
What did the dinosaur say after the crash? Im so saurus.
What did the muffler say to the car owner? Boy, am I exhausted!
When is a car like a frog? When its being toad.
Knock, knock. Whos there?
Wanda. Wanda who?
Wanda where I put my car keys.What has one horn and gives milk? A milk truck.
What do you call a group of cars? A clutch.
What snakes are found on cars? Windshield vipers.
What does a cyclist ride in the winter? An icicle.
I will have to report you, sir, said the traffic officer to the speeding driver.
I will have to report you, sir, said the traffic officer to the speeding driver.
You were doing 85 miles an hour. Nonsense, officer, declared the driver. I have only been in the car for ten minutes.
What kind of car drives over water? Any kind of car, if its on a bridge.
What kind of driver doesnt need a license? A screwdriver.
Why did the police officer pull over the U-Haul? He wanted to bust a move.
A dad is washing the car with his son. After a moment, the son asks his father, Do you think we could use a sponge instead?
Apparently I snore so loudly it scares everyone in the car Im driving.
When is a car not a car? When it turns into a driveway.
What do you get when you put a car and a pet together? A carpet.
What does a bicycle call its dad? Pop-cycle.
What did the jack say to the car? Can I give you a lift?
Why did the man put his car in the oven? He wanted a hot rod.
Knock, knock. Whos there?
Isabel. Isabel who?
Isabel necessary for riding a bicycle?Where are cars most likely to get flat tires? At forks in the road.
How do you stop a dog from barking in the back seat of a car? Put him in the front seat.
A woman was driving her car without her headlights on, and the moon was not out. A woman was driving her car without her headlights on, and the moon was not out.
A man was crossing the street in front of her. How did she see him? It was daytime. Why is driving with one headlight not a good idea? It isnt very bright. Why did the little boy take his bike to bed with him?