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Gaffney Chuck. - iOS 9 Game Development Essentials

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Packt Publishing, 2015. 224 p. ISBN: 978-1-78439-143-0.
Design, build, and publish an iOS game from scratch using the stunning features of iOS 9.Game development has always been a combination of programming and art, and mobile game development is no exception to this rule. The iOS platform has been both a staple in the ever-growing mobile game market, as well as a launching point for many game developers (hobby and career-wise). The features and frameworks available in iOS 9 continue to cater to the synergy of design and computer engineering, using tools that allow developers to take a game idea from concept to application in record time.Whether you are new to iOS and game development as a whole, or are an experienced programmer wanting to learn the latest features of the platform, iOS 9 Game Development Essentials will provide you with crucial insight into this widely used platform.Starting with the Swift programming language, this book gets the ball rolling with code concepts and game-centric code samples right from the get-go, giving you get a solid understanding of Apples cutting-edge programming language. The book takes you through iOS game development concepts and introduces the various frameworks that allow you to develop robust, reusable, and intelligent game components in both 2D and 3D game environments.What You Will Learn:
Familiarise yourself with both basic and advanced Swift game development code;
Understand the structure and flow of a typical iOS app;
Work with the SpriteKit framework to make 2D games, sprites, and overlays;
Discover 3D game development with SceneKit;
Visually design levels and game assets with XCode 7s latest features;
Explore the concept of component-based structuring with iOS 9s Gameplaykit;
Beta test and publish your game with iTunes Connect.Create storyboards in Xcode from concept to code and design.
Chalk out your games overall navigation and structure.
Work with 2D and 3D game development tools.Who This Book Is For:
This book is intended for game developers who wish to develop 2D and 3D games for iPhone and iPad. If you are a developer from another platform, or game engine such as Android or Unity, a current iOS developer wishing to learn more about Swift and the latest features of iOS 9, or even if you are new to game development, then this book is for you. Some prior programming knowledge is recommended, but not required.

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iOS 9 Game Development Essentials

Table of Contents
iOS 9 Game Development Essentials

iOS 9 Game Development Essentials

Copyright 2015 Packt Publishing

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Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

First published: October 2015

Production reference: 1261015

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street

Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78439-143-0


Cover image by Chuck Gaffney



Chuck Gaffney


Mohit Athwani

Rahul Borawar

Chady Kassouf

Joni Mikkola

Commissioning Editor

Julian Ursell

Acquisition Editors

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Content Development Editor

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Judie Jose


Safis Editing


Hemangini Bari


Abhinash Sahu

Production Coordinator

Nitesh Thakur

Cover Work

Nitesh Thakur

About the Author

Chuck Gaffney is a programmer, voice actor, and game developer. He owns a company, Chuck's Anime Shrine, and has worked for some studios in New York. Some of Chuck's recent projects include VR and Unity projects for major studios and business firms, in addition to iOS and Swift programming.

I would like to thank my family for giving me my first video game system in 1985 at the young age of two. The wonder and mystery of controlling what's on the screen has stuck with me ever since. Most importantly, I would like to thank my fiance, Danielle, for keeping me on my toes with this book and understanding the time it took to craft it. Thank you for being there through the ups and downs that come from pursuing steady and worthwhile work in the field of software development; particularly during this summer, when things finally changed after years of doing nothing but seemingly staring at closed doors and calling out to deaf ears.

About the Reviewers

Mohit Athwani is a self-taught iOS developer and has been developing apps since the early days of iOS 3. He has worked with several clients all around the world, and has carried out intense research in the field of facial detection and recognition on iOS. His app, iRajanee, became the number one app on the Indian app store, and has fetched him tremendous success.

Mohit started his company Geeks (http://www.geeksincorporated.net) with a friend in 2010, and has since also involved himself in conducting training sessions on iOS for students and corporates. His website, http://indianios.guru/, hosts a lot of introductory videos and tutorials on developing for iOS with Swift.

I would like to thank my parents for gifting me my first MacBook and iPhone that allowed me to become an iOS developer. I would like to thank my friends and everybody who have encouraged me to come up with new ideas and concepts, and Packt publishing for giving me the opportunity to review this book.

Rahul Borawar is a computer science graduate from Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology in Rajasthan, India. He is a passionate software craftsman, and loves designing software for mobiles. From the start, he has been a mobile application developer creating applications for iOS and Android platforms. He has been working on mobile development since 2011 and has published many apps on the app store, such as Catch the Aliens (a 2D level-based game) and Draw Your Stories (a kids' app for creating fables with drawing stuffs). He is currently working as a software development engineer in the mobile team for a real estate product-based company (CommonFloor). He has reviewed one more book for Packt Publications, named iOS Game Programming Cookbook , which can be viewed at https://www.packtpub.com/game-development/ios-game-programming-cookbook.

You can follow him on Twitter (https://twitter.com/RahulBorawar) and on GitHub (https://github.com/Rahul2389). You can also check his website, http://rahulborawar.branded.me.

First of all, I would like to thank Packt Publishing for giving me the opportunity to review this technology-rich cookbook and enlighten my iOS application development skills. Secondly, thanks to my family for supporting me in my career as a technical guy.

Chady Kassouf is an independent iOS and web development expert. He started programming 23 years ago and hasn't stopped since.

Seven years ago, he decided to leave his job as a team leader in one of the leading digital agencies and start his own business.

His interests, besides computers, include arts, music, and fitness. He can be found online at http://chady.net/.

Joni Mikkola is currently working on his next mobile game in northern Finland. He keeps his game developing stamina up by training regularly at the gym and eating healthily. Among developing games, he often reads books, plays the piano, or bakes buns, to keep his ideas flowing and his mind focused. He constantly keeps challenging the status quo, which, in turn, helps in learning new ways to create things.

He has developed games professionally for over 4 years mostly for mobile platforms. He targets casual games and focuses on creating simplistic designs. With one game released, he is currently working on his next game, which will be released in late 2015 for Android and iOS platforms.

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